Death: Alex's

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Claire was getting worried with each passing day.  Alex had left after they had a small spat and she hasn't called at all. Even angry at each other, they knew to check in with each other. Claire paced and kept trying her cell. After getting voicemail for the 100th time, she chucked her phone and felt tears rush down her face.

She didn't want to think the worse but it was what hunters do. Claire tried to control herself as she picked up her phone with a damaged screen. "Dean, Sam, Cas?" She said into the other line. "Doesn't matter, I just need help. Please." Her voice cracked. "Claire? Whats wrong? Whats going on? Wheres Jody?" Cas said with heavy concern.  Claire sighed, "She's at work, please don't tell her I called. Castiel, Alex hasn't contacted me and has been gone for a few days. I'm scared!" Claire cried and then Cas popped in. "Tell me everything."

Claire told Cas all about the fight and their normal routine in cases like this. Alex was clearly in danger. "Claire, it will be alright. We will find her and bring her back to you. Let me call Dean and he can help us find her." Cas said to her as he wiped the tears away. She nodded as she waited for Cas to make his phone call. 

Dean had done his research and gave a few locations to where she might have been. Sadly, one of those locations was a morgue. Cas prayed that Alex would not be found on a cold sheet of metal. He of course didn't tell Claire as they drove to each of the locations. All of them were nothing but a waste of gas and time. Claire grew with worry, "I know there is one left, what is it?" She asked as Cas stopped the car. 

She had screamed at him, fought him that she was not there. Claire glared at him and yelled at him to drive there just to prove him wrong. Once they pulled up, Claire was practically jumping and running her way into the hospital. "You can't be in here!" The doctor yelled as she ran into the morgue. "Claire!" Cas called out and came up behind her. Claire stared in horror as Alex's body laid on the table.

"Noooo!" Claire screamed and turned into Cas to ignore the body, ignore Alex's body. She cried as Cas held her tight. "Claire, I'm - I'm so sorry." He started to pull her away when she fought him. "They can't just cut open her body like that!  She is mine, Cas!  They can't have her!" She tried to get back inside but the doctor held her out. "Miss, please! You can not be in here! If you know the deceased please fill out this paper work." 

Claire threw the papers back in his face and looked at Cas. "You are an Angel of the Lord. At least take her body, don't let them hack it away!" She screamed and glared at him, "I will never talk to you again if you don't do this for me." She growled through gritted teeth. 

Castiel knocked out the staff and then took Claire and Alex's body back to Jody's cabin. "Claire! I've been worried! I called and you- Oh My God is that Alex!" She screamed, seeing the body. Claire began to sob and held onto Jody.  Jody looked at Cas confused and upset, "I am so sorry, sweetheart!" She said to Claire as she began to cry. Cas let himself out.

A day after, they had a private service. Team Free Will, Jody, and Claire all stood in the woods, grieving and comforting each other. 

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