First Time ((FLUFF ONLY))

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"Hey, Jody is going to be gone for the weekend. How about we have a romantic weekend here?" Claire suggested and Alex giggled. "It sounds lovely, Claire. What would you like to do?" She asked and Claire smirked. "I have a few ideas." She chuckled and kissed Alex sweetly.

Jody had left early Saturday morning, leaving the two girls until late Sunday night. Claire was going to take an advantage of it. Alex was curious of what Claire had planned but didn't get flustered over it. She mostly kept up with school work. 

"Alex! Will you come up here?" Claire called from her bedroom. Alex giggled and walked up the stairs to the bedroom, "What do you want to show - Claire, did you do this for us?" She said in excitement. Claire wasn't usually a romantic but this scene pulled straight from any romance novel. There were candles and flowers and slow background music. 

"I didn't want this weekend to go to waste and I - I love you." Claire said, looking down with what seemed to be embarrassment. Alex slowly lifted her chin, "Hey, its not embarrassing. I find it very romantic and charming." She smiled brightly and kissed her softly. 

Claire smiled back after pulling away slowly, "This was just and idea, we don't have to do this." "Claire, what makes you think I don't want to do this? I love you and I want you to know how much I love you." She slowly kissed Claire again and moved to sit on the bed. 

Claire hadn't actually been with someone before and was kinda nervous though her tough exterior. She knew Alex had thought about it but everyone knew what happened to him. She continued to kiss Alex and something inside her grew impatient. 

She began to kiss harder, rougher. She moved away from her lips and down to her neck. Alex felt happy, happier than she thought she would ever be in her life. She groaned and smiled brightly, "Don't make this all about me," She said softly. "You deserve it." Claire responded with as she worked off Alex's shirt.  

Claire pulled away to admire the beauty of her Alex. Her skin was so pale and shimmery; it made her hair pop along with her eyes. She didn't get to admire long as Alex flipped them and began to kiss all over Claire. "I love you so much." She said as she as well tore off Claire's shirt.

They each took turns admiring each other and muttering sweet nothings between breaths. A couple hours went by until they were both almost asleep, side by side. "That was amazing." They said simultaneously and both giggled, catching their breaths. "I love you." Alex said and Claire pushed back her hair, "I love you so much more." 

Sunday night had arrived. "Girls! I'm home!" Jody shouted. Both girls panicked as that one Saturday night turned every few hours //that// Saturday night. "Hey, Jody!" Alex called as she got dressed and helped Claire get fixed up. They hurried downstairs. "How was your trip? Everything go well? Any new police business?" Both of them rambled out questions.

"You are covering something up, but I'm too tired to ask. We'll talk more tomorrow morning." She hugged each of them and headed to her room. Both girls giggled and then continued to kiss each other gently as now they had ears on them.

Supernatural: Alex and ClaireМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя