Death: Claire's

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Alex hadn't been sleeping. Claire wanted to be a hunter so she went out on one with the boys.  She hadn't heard anything and was beginning to worry about her. It wasn't like them to have silence. Alex went to go get a snack when she heard Jody on the phone with Dean. "Oh My God, are you sure? You mean- yeah, I know - I know. What do I tell her? Just-" Her voice caught in her throat, "hurry back." She hung up and felt tears rush down her face.

"Jody?" Alex spoke up, worried. "Oh, hey sweetie. I'm just chopping onions, it makes everyone cry." She smiled lightly and wiped her eyes. "Who - Who was on the phone?" Alex asked in a shaky voice. "Just a wrong number. Can you get plates out? Dinners ready." Alex watched her, knowing something was wrong. She thought about Claire but tried to push negative thoughts away.

They ate in silence. Alex played with her food and Jody zoned out, thinking about what Dean said over the phone. "I know it was Dean." Alex said, snapping Jody out of her trance. "What?" She said and Alex glared at her. "What did he say? Whats happening?" She pleaded, tears starting to pool. Jody looked away and cleared her throat. "It's not a good time." She said, taking the dishes to the kitchen sink. "It will never be a good damn time! Is she dead? ! Jody! Tell me!" She screamed and Jody cried. 

Alex sat in her room, sobbing. Jody had broken down and told her what happened. A pack of werewolves used her as a human dog toy. Alex was angry, furious! The Winchesters could do anything but save her girlfriend? She screamed into her pillows in pain of grieving. After awhile of having a tantrum, she called Dean. "Alex, look I know its hard. I am so damn sorry, honest but we were to late." He explained and Alex listened. "I want to see her body. I want to say goodbye."

Everyone was of course against Alex seeing the corpse, afraid for what it would do to Alex. Yet nothing was changing her mind. Dean came and picked her up as they drove back to the bunker. "Kid, you don't have to do this. Seeing her isn't goodbye. Saying goodbye is goodbye." Alex ignored him and pushed passed him inside. "Where? Where is the body?"

Dean took her to the lower levels and her body sat in a cold, freezer like room. Alex shook her head, "This is sick." She muttered as she stepped inside. Alex covered her mouth to keep from crying and throwing up. She shook her head no as Dean dragged her out. She began to sob and Dean held her, rubbing her back. "Just let it out." 

Supernatural: Alex and ClaireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora