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Claire was in a heap of blankets and a pile of tissues on the couch. "Come on Claire, I made you some soup. Please eat it." Alex asked, talking softly as she shook her shoulder slightly. Claire groaned and slapped away at her. "Come on." Alex said as she gently sat Claire up, "All you have to do is finish this and you can go back to sleep." Claire groaned but slowly took the bowl.

She picked at it for almost an hour before finishing it. Alex thanked her and kissed her head as she went to go clean the dishes. Claire muttered something under her breath as she began to sneeze again. "I think I'm going to be sick...or sneeze, I don't know." Claire whined and Alex came over. "Shhh, I'll get the medicine Jody got you." 

The medicine made Claire pass out in minutes. Alex chuckled as Claire drooled on the couch, "Oh Claire, I love you too much." She kissed the top of her head before heading up to bed. Alex was woken up a few hours later by Claire. "Alex, I-I kinda got sick on the couch." Claire said, embarrassed. Alex smiled at here, "I'll tell Jody, lets get you cleaned up."  She walked Claire to the bathroom and started the bath. "Alex I'm seventeen, not seven.""Get over it." Alex teased as she started the warm bath. Claire slowly striped out of her dirty clothes and got into the tub. 

"Feel any better?" Alex asked as she helped wash Claire's hair. Claire nodded as the warm water made her airways feel more open. "Thank you so much Alex, really. I haven't been taken care of in a long time." She said, looking down and Alex pulled her to look at her. "I am more than happy to do it." She then kissed Claire deeply. 

After a few moments, Jody walked in. "OH, What have I walked in on? I'm just going to clean up downstairs." She said exiting quickly. Both girls laughed and continued kissing each other. 

A few weeks passed and now Alex was as sick as a dog on the couch. "It was so worth it Clair," She said after noticing Claire looking guilty. The guilty girl smiled and kissed her sweetly. They ended up snuggling with each other for the rest of the week and the illness continued to infect both of them. 

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