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Hey Guys, thank you for taking time out to read my story. I honestly appreciate it because when i started this book 5 years ago, i didn't expect this much of a positive reaction. The story has been finished and as part of a gift to myself and to you for my 23rd birthday in 2 days, i have decided to post the whole book here. Hope you enjoy...:D.


"Love is a choice. A choice you have to make over and over again. You have to choose to love someone every single day, every minute."


Flinging the door to her red Smart Fortwo Coupe Pure open, Rebekka Daniels jumped out and skipped to the front door of the house she lived in with her mother while rummaging through her brown big Buddha Angela bag for her house keys. After what felt like forever (but in reality was only about 30 seconds), she let herself into the house, took her coat off in a hurry and was about to head for the stairs when-

"Mum, what are you doing home at this time?" she queried stopping in her tracks. I mean her mum was extremely early today-not that she really cared because it just went to highlight once again how great her day was going.

"Darling I should be asking you that same question. don't you have any rehearsals today?" she replied looking up from the pile of paper work she was reading and getting Rebekka out of her state of temporary shock.

"Oh I don't have to rehearse today seeing as I already got the solo that I was working so hard for-" she squealed as she rushed to envelope her mother in a massive hug.

"What!! Bekka that's amazing dear" she said a bit taken aback by the sudden forceful hug.

"I know right, and that's not all, I also got an A* in physics, finally...." Rebekka finished the last part if the sentence with a scream."....and OMG! Rona has got a boyfriend; can you believe it mum? RONA the girl who like, detests love with a passion? It seems like all my match making paid off..." Rona was Rebekka's best friend and also one of the most sceptical people she knew when it came to love-

"...and now I walk into the house and there you are. Which means that I don't have to have dinner alone like I always do," sigh"...this day sure is going great. In fact, let me just go change and I will be down to help you cook." kissing her on the cheek Bekka started to withdraw and head for the stairs again but her mother held onto my hand.

"Bekka can I speak to you for one second?" and that is when Rebekka noticed the sad look on her face. At least that is what she thought at the time. Little did she know that it was a look of guilt and fear at how she was going to react?

"Sure" the 17-year-old mumbled heading for one of the sofas and folding her legs under her as she sat guru-style. "Shoot"

"Umm....sweetie" she began hesitantly,".... you know the contract that I told you I was working on?"

"Yeah, the contract that you said could decide the fate of the company." her mum had been working on this for months going on about how it was the biggest deal their company had ever got. And therefore she was under immense pressure to make sure it went through.

"Yeah, that one."

"What about it?" Rebekka asked, confused and shocked that her mum was talking to her about her job in the first place. However, deep down a familiar feeling was also starting to creep in when she remembered that the only time her mother brought up the company, was when she was about to crash her daughter's carefully assembled life once again.

"I got it." The older woman- who looked just like an older version of her daughter and looked no less than 30- announced cautiously.

"WHAT! Mum that's amazing" Rebekka screamed excitedly as she went to give her another hug. See told you, everything was just getting better and better as the day progressed. However instead of her mum reciprocating the hug, she just stiffened even more. So withdrawing slightly, Rebekka realized that she still had the same crestfallen expression.

"So how come you don't seem that happy about it?" she asked only half confused because the other half was just confirming what she knew was about to come next.

"Well, my boss was very impressed...and..."

"And what mum?" Rebekka added slowly in a voice that warned her mum not to say what she knew deep down she was going to say.

"He decided to give me a PROMOTION to CEO!"

"Yeeaaahh...okaayyy, that still doesn't explain the look of doom on your face" at this point her confusion was becoming over shadowed by dread with every passing second. And that is when it hit her-

"No mum please tell me it's not what I think it is!" she whispered as the breath went out of her.

"Sweetie, I know that I said we wouldn't move again, but this is the last time, I promise I-"

"DON'T!... even go there mum. Just don't! That is exactly what you said the first time and the second and the THIRD!" at this point her voice was at fever pitch.

"Honey I know, but this time it's true." The usually composed and confident woman pleaded with her daughter.

"Is it about the money? Because if it is then don't worry. I can get a job so you don't have to give me allowance. I can do anything to make the burden lighter; please just don't uproot my life again, just as it's starting to settle down." Rebekka pleaded as dread started turning into panic.

"Darling it's not about the money"

"Then what else could it possibly be about?" she screamed letting frustration get the better of her.

" You know I have always strived to be the best at what I do so that I can make you proud to have me as a mum. And this is it Bekka. I get to be one of the top people at ILLUSTRATE &CO. a CEO!"

"I'm already proud if you mum, YOU know that!" Pausing slightly, it dawned on Bekka that she hadn't even bothered to find out where her NEW HOME was going to. "...by the way, where is the job this time?" I mean you never know it might not be that far away from oxford, in which case she didn't have to move schools. She didn't mind taking the train from whatever city to get to school every morning. Just as along as she stayed in ENGLAND.

"It's in SOUTH KOREA." Gabriella Daniels confessed quietly like a naughty child that was being told off.

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