Chapter One

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I heard fussing in the room next door. It was early morning meaning that my brothers were still asleep and Jaxon was awake. I got out of bed and walked into the room next door. Jaxon was standing in his crib making babbling noises. He had learned how to walk at twelve months and said his first word, dadda, when he was seven months. He is now fourteen months old (one year two months).

I quickly put my medium length brown curly hair into a messy bun and walked over to the crib. I took Jaxon out and placed him on the floor so he could walk by himself with the support of nearby furniture. We walked out of the room and down the long hallway to the stairs. Once we got there i picked him up to carry him down and placed him on the floor again for us to walk to the kitchen together.

He walked over to his high chair and raised his hands at me saying 'up up'. I smiled and picked him up and put him in his chair. I then walked over to the cabinet filled with baby food and grabbed his cereal. I fed it to him and then fed him half a banana in slices. When he finished eating i put him down in his playpen and started cooking food for me and my five brothers.

I am the youngest of six kids and also the only girl. It goes Phoenix 21, Stellan 20, Kyel 19, Kai and Dai 18, then me Kiera 17. My dad's name was Esteban Martinez and my mother's name was Rhea Martinez. As you can tell my parents were quite busy having one kid after the other.

I took out some bacon, eggs, and milk from the fridge and some pancake mix from the cabinet. I mixed the milk with the eggs and pancake mix and then started frying some mix in the big pan making them big and fluffy. Next i fried some eggs and bacon on separate pans then laid everything out on the table along with some oj and put plates around the big table that seated eight.

The sound of footsteps made its way to the kitchen as one of the twins, Dai, walked in. The only reason i could tell them apart is because Kai has an eyebrow piercing and Dai has a lip piercing, if it wasnt for that i wouldnt be able to tell them apart. Next Stellan came in followed by Kai and Kyel. They sat down.

"Where's Phoenix?" I asked, picking up Jaxon and placing him on my lap as i ate and he played with his little colorful caterpillar with shapes he could pull on.

"He left already." Stellan replied pulling on Jaxon's caterpillar.

"Awpp!" Jaxon screamed stop and pulled it away from Stellan, Stellan just laughed and went back to eating.

"*sigh*I'm trying to help him but he needs to try too and he's not trying, for the last year i've been taking care of his responsibilities it's time he stepped up." I said.

" Keira you volunteered to do it, he didn't tell you to do it you did it yourself." Kyel said.

"Yeah i know i chose this but we all know what he would've done if i didn't." I replied."He would've done the same thing Rhea did." They stayed quiet.

"He's still mad at you." Dai said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you put this responsibility on him, he knew he wouldn't be able to do it himself with our job and the risks we take." He said.

"None of what happened is my fault, this started with him not being careful." I replied, i wasn't saying that he should regret what he did or that any of us wished all of this never happened but he can't blame anyone for what happened.

"You're right but he needs time to get over all of this." Kai said.

"Time? How much time does he need? Was a year not enough for him to stop blaming me for something i had no control over, because the decision that was made that day was decided months before it happened and it wasn't made by me." I answered, getting up with Jax on my hip and my plate in my hand. I sat Jax down on the counter while i quickly washed my plate and put it away.

"I think it's time for you guys to go to work now." I said and walked out the kitchen and up to my room.

In my room i put Jax on the bed and walked over to my dresser. I pulled out some black leggings with a white T-shirt. As i removed my pj pants i saw my reflection in the mirror. I could see the stretch marks on my hips and butt and also the ones at the tops of my inner thighs. I used to be really insecure about them and also the stretch marks on my boobs but then i realized it wasn't something to be insecure about because every girl had them and mine just showed my becoming a women.

After changing, fixing my hair into a neater bun, and putting on my white timberlands I walked with Jax to his room next door and changed him into his clothes. It was a black shirt with dark jeans and his black and white Jordans.

If you're asking no i don't work. How do i get money to buy Jax's things? I use the money from Jax's dads account that was made so that i could buy him his clothes and food. He does care about Jax but doesn't show it much.

I took Jax's diaper bag and put it over my shoulder and picked him up and held him on my hip. I walked down the stairs and out the door locking it and walking to my car. I buckled Jax in his chair and placed the bag in the front seat and drove away to walmart.

When i got there i took Jax and sat him in the cart and went to look for the diapers isle first. I looked for the right size and then moved on to get some wipes. Next i walked to the food isle and got some baby foods like soups and stuff. Lastly i walked to the groceries section and got some milk, eggs, butter, pasta, vegetables, and fruits. As i walked to the checkout i remembered that the guys needed some beer so i went and got some. I went to check out, showed my fake i.d, paid, and left.

When i got home i saw that i had taken a pretty long time at the store. I put Jax down in his playpen and put away the food. I then picked him up when i saw what time it was. The boys would be coming home soon in less than an hour. I took him upstairs to change him into something more comfortable. I put him in some sweats and a thin shirt and changed myself into some joggers and a tank top. I then walked back downstairs and sat down on the couch and turned on the t.v to sponge Bob, his favorite show, and laid him down next to me. This helped him fall asleep for his nap.

When i laid him down he looked at me.

"Daddy?" He asked.

"Daddy will be home in a while just go to sleep." I replied.

I needed to talk to him.

When Phoenix gets home later i'm going to talk to him and convince him to spend time with his son. Jax needs to know his father's there for him and not just me.


Picture of Jax at the top

So this is my first book. This chapter is short because it's the first one. The next chapters will be longer.


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