Chapter Six

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*One month later*

About two weeks ago Easton asked me to move in. So I did. Now I'm sitting in the living room by myself.

It was night, about 12:30, and everyone was asleep. I just could not go to sleep, I was twisting and turning in bed so I left to not wake up Easton because he had worked long today.

I was now in the living room watching Netflix.

I was watching some past episodes of the walking dead when I heard a familiar noise and some lights flash.

I ran to the window and saw the flashing lights of multiple police cars coming up the long road, and the noise was getting louder. I ran up the stairs to Easton's room.

"Easton, the cops are here!" I yelled shaking him.


"The cops. A lot of them!" I repeated pulling on shoes.

"Shit." He cursed.

"Go tell the others while I put some clothes on."

I went room to room yelling at them to get because the police was here.

Easton and I made sure as many members as possible we here out the back door and into the emergency cars. They left and there was just Easton, Alex, Land on, and I left.

We thought we had enough time but then the the door was kicked open. Men in suits ran in, guns with beams pointed at us. Easton pulled me behind him.

"Put your hands on your head. Now kneel on the ground." They yelled.

We did as they said, knowing that even if we would try fighting one of use would be killed.

They ran to us and cuffed us. I was pulled up and walked outside. They put us all in the back of a van, and chained our cuffs to another attached to the floor. Then they slammed the door close.

"You will tell them that I kidnapped you, okay?" Easton's said all of a sudden.

"What!? Why!?"

"Because if they know the truth they are gonna lock you up, and it wouldn't be easy for you to escape being the only girl."

"But that means you get locked up for more time."

"It doesn't matter how much time I get put in for, just tell them that you where kidnapped and cry to make it believable, because I'm gonna escape whether I'm put in for ten weeks or ten years." He said.

I nodded. He leaned forward and so did I, we kissed one last time and said bye to each other, for now.

The guys gagged and we separated.


I was sitting in the interrogation room, waiting for a cop to come in. The door opened and a police officer walked in. He pulled out the chair in front of me and sat down.

"What is your relation to Mr. King?" He asked, pulling out a pen two write on his yellow note pad.

"I have no relation. He kidnapped me." I said, looking down.

"When where you taken?"

"One week ago, on Wednesday."

"What did they do to you?"

"Nothing, really. I was fed and taken care of my whole time there."

"Do you want to press charges?"



I was home now. I had just came back from court. Easton had been given ten years in jail for drugs, after I said I didn't want to press charges.

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