Kiss It All Better

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"Wow, we sound good together," I said out of breath.

"Yeah, we do!" He said happily.

I stared at him, I was captivated by his eyes and I couldn't look away. He was doing the same. I felt myself move closer. Our lips were inches apart when..

"RICKY, SPENCER, WHERE ARE YOU?!" A voice called through the house.

I instantly broke eye contact and backed away from Ricky.

"We're in here!" I called.

"There you are," Chris said stepping into the room. "I got here and you two were nowhere to be seen."

"Yeah, sorry we were just, uhh," I began not knowing what to say.

"I was just practice the guitar," Ricky cut in.


"Okay, that's great. So Ricky," Chris said turning his attention to Ricky, "did you ask her yet?"

"Yes," he said in reply. They must be talking about Ricky asking me to go on tour with them.

"Awesome! And?"

"She said yes." I just say there pretending I didn't exist because obviously they couldn't ask my what I said.

"Hey, Chris," I spoke up gaining his attention.


"Can I talk to you," I said turning my attention to Ricky, "alone."


Ricky got up and left me and Chris alone.

"Well, what would you do if you like someone and had one song that you wanted to sing to them, but didn't know how they would react or if they would even know that you were trying to sing it to them," I said spitting out everything.

"I would get them alone, and just sing to them and if they didn't take it well, then, just say that you wanted to practice in front of them so you could sing it in front of the person it's about," he told me.

"Thanks," I said smiling.

"Can I ask who you like?" He said standing up.

"Ricky," I whispered just in case he decided he was going to ease drop.

"I knew it," Chris said with a smile.

"Whaaaat? I asked like the minions in Despicable Me ask.

"Come on, everyone can see the way you look at him, well, besides him."


"Yeah, but just sing him the song next time you two are alone, which won't be till later, because we're all going out tonight to celebrate your release."


"Oh, and dress fancy," Chris said walking out the door.

What? So does that mean I have to wear a dress? Crap.


I pulled my dress up and zipped it the best I could, which thankful I had Ryan to pull it up the rest of the way.

"Ry, can you finish pulling the zipper up?" I asked sweetly.

"Sure, thing Spence," he said and zipped it up. "You look amazing, by the way, Ricky is going to drop dead when he sees you!"

"You really think so?" I asked giggling slightly.


"You better be right," I said slipping into my all black Vans. What? They got me in a dress so they better not push it.

Kiss It All BetterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora