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He came closer, and a sense of fear filled me. His mane wasn't wild or unruly. It was slick and smoothed back, with a white shine to it. But he was getting closer to the edge of that cliff, and he was staring at the sun, the bright and blinding amber sun filling his eyes. A chunk of the cliff fell off, but he was undeterred.

It was like he was stalking his prey, but instead of prey, he was stalking the sun. His pawsteps were light against the fragile stone, despite his massive size. He was about seven or eight times my height, though I was not there with him. I was just watching, but just because you're watching something doesn't mean you can't be scared.

When he reached the edge of the cliff, I saw the front of his face, and I saw him dead on. He was absolutely massive. When he opened his jaws, I saw teeth that could tear through a deer carcass, and could most definitely tear through human flesh. But he wouldn't kill me, because I wasn't even physically present there. But back to him. He had opened his jaws, and I can only hope to recreate what I had seen.

He roared. But he didn't do just that. Wind blew through the land, wild and free. Boundless. And the roar was fierce and proud. It was pretty much enough to make a grown man cry, because it was just so beautiful. I felt like I belonged, for some reason. I felt, for a lack of a better word, free.

The dream ended with the beeping of an alarm clock, shaking me from a beautiful haven into the real world, filled with the idiots that I have to deal with day after day. Still, it wasn't like it was anything new. I picked out something to wear and got changed into it quickly. My stomach growled as a smell drifted up the stairs and to my room. So naturally, I hurried down the stairs to see what was cooking.

Mom really had outdone herself. There were pancakes, and those pancakes had chocolate chips everywhere. There were also waffles - which received the same treatment as the pancakes - and strips of crisply cooked bacon. I grabbed a plate and began piling on the food, my mouth watering so much that I could've filled a swimming pool.

"Take your plate over to the table and eat, Adara. You have school today, and we leave in an hour. You know that, right?"

"Yeah mom, I know. I'm just starting to wake up. I haven't even been up for a half hour yet."

"Alright, alright," Mom replied. "As long as you're not late."

"I won't be."

I quickly ate breakfast - it was absolutely delicious - and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair and all that. It didn't take long, well, except for when I tried to put my hair up into a ponytail. I tried, but my hair was just too dang short. I ended up just throwing in a headband and calling it good. After leaving the bathroom, I went back to my room and got on my laptop. I had really gotten into gaming in the past few months, so that was how I chose to spend my morning,

Yup. I chose to spend it screaming at a game like every other mature person in this world. Eventually, I glanced at the clock, and decided to shut down my game until after school. I still needed to pack my lunch up and get mom to drive me to school.

I made myself a sandwich, put some apples in a plastic baggie, and put cheez-it's in another. Then I went to find Mom. She was applying makeup to her face, which I didn't really see any need for, but well, you know that when one of your parents makes a decision, that it doesn't change.

"Mom?" I asked.

"Yes, Adara?"

"Could you drive me to school?"

"Yes, just give me a minute or two. Do you have everything packed up in your backpack?"

"Yeah." I replied. "I'm just going to go sit and wait."

Minutes later, I was on my way to school. I stared out the window as mom drove, feeling a strange feeling inside of me. It was that same surge of.... Power, I guess you could say, that I felt during my dream, when I had heard and seen that lion. That huge, massive, golden furred lion. No matter what I did, I could not get the sight of that lion out of my mind.

If only I could draw, then maybe I could capture the sight of my dream on paper. However, my art skills were terrible ones, and I'd never be able to do the dream justice. When I arrived at school, I got out of the car, waved mom goodbye, and started walking into the school. It was cold, but a part of me didn't care. I still had about twenty or twenty five minutes until class started, so I headed to the library.

A lot of people went to the library to play on the school computers, but I honestly went there more for the books than the computers. And besides, all of the good games were blocked on the school computers, anyway, so even if I wanted to play something on there.... Well, you get what I'm saying.

I grabbed my book out of my backpack - it was Claws, one of my favorites - and began reading where I had left off. My mind tuned out the noises and complaints of the students playing games on the 'unblocked games website'. When it was time for math class, I sighed, grudgingly put my book into my bag, and trudged all the way to math. If you hadn't guessed, I hated math.

When I got to class, I put on my mask of scowls and sorrows, and took my seat.

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