Chapter 6~ Age Eight part One

Start from the beginning

"Fine," I said, giving in.

"Arigato," Shinako-chan thanked me.

 "Whatever, wait a minute.....if Kisame-nii gets a new partner....then that will mean he can't train me anymore!" I realized.

"Can't Sasori just train you?" Shinako asked me.

"Yeah, but he likes to make new dolls and create new poison in his spare time, I don't want to bother Sasori-nii," I told her.

"I don't think he'd mind, he didn't mind when you asked him that one time if he could help you make a poison that you were working on," Shinako told me.

"That was because Sasori-nii likes working with poison," I reminded her.

"That's true....." Shinako agreed.

"Girls! The new member's here!" mom called from down the hallway.

I looked at Shinako and she looked back at me.

"We have to go out there, don't we?" Shinako asked me.

"Yeah, but I wonder who the new member is. All dad told me was that he massacred his clan except for one person who he let live. Dad didn't even tell me the name and when I asked mom she giggled and said that it was a secret. That's why I was excited, I hate secrets so when I get to unlock a secret it makes me happy," I told Shinako.

"What about your secrets? When do I get to unlock them?" Shinako asked me.

There was a silence before a knocking was heard on the door.

"Tukiko-chan?" I heard a voice on the other end ask.

"Shinako-chan?" another voice asked.

Shinako and I exchanged a glance.

"We'll talk about it later," I told Shinako.

"Agreed," Shinako answered back.

I opened the door and saw Hidan-nii and Kisame-nii standing at the door.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Don't you want to meet my new partner imouto?" Kisame-nii asked me.

"Kisame-nii, you're still going to train me, right?" I asked Kisame-nii.

He looked at me and then started laughing.

"Why would I quit?" Kisame-nii asked me.

"I thought you would have to train with your partner and not me," I admitted.

"Whatever little b****, we have to go now. After you guys meet the b****** then Shinako and I are going to train. When we're training I need to test some new moves so come on ya f***ing slow little b****," Hidan-nii told me.

"Why is the new guy a-" I started to ask.

"Hidan thinks everyone's a b****** or a b****," Kisame-nii told me, picking me up and carrying me to the living room.

Hidan-nii picked Shinako up who didn't blush or anything when he did so. Good for her, I'm so proud! Kisame-nii carried me into the living room where I met someone I thought that I'd never see again.

Uchiha Itachi, Sasuke's older brother. Just when I thought I had a good chance of starting over, he has to come and show up! Maybe he won't remember me, the best thing to do for now is play dumb.

"Tukiko, Shinako. This is Itachi. Uchiha Itachi," dad told us.

Itachi looked at us and when he met my gaze I could tell he recognized me. So much for him not remembering me. I still had a chance at playing dumb.

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