~!* Chapter 5 *!~

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It wasn't long before I saw the two skeleton brothers up ahead. Wait, didn't Sans go the other way? Huh, maybe he knows a shortcut.

"Ah! Sans!" Papyrus gasped, grabbing sans by the shoulders and giving him a little shake. "Is that a human right before my eyes?!"Sans chuckled and nodded. "Indeed it is, bro." Papyrus took a few big steps towards me, which in response I moved backwards. "Human! I, the great Papyrus, am asking for you to let me capture you, or else, I will have to use force! I advise you, to hand yourself over without a fight." Papyrus finished, staring at me intensely.

I casted a glance towards Sans, who just shrugged. "Why such a rush, Pap? Don't you want the human to survive puzzles?" He asked Papyrus, who turned around to face his brother. "Yes, normally I would, but last night, all of my puzzles were set off. I don't know by who, but someone solved them." Sans stood still for a moment, but then once again shrugged. "Whatever, bro."

This could be my chance to run. Run away and hopefully away from these two. Sans wasn't interested in me, at least I thought so, but Papyrus..he's pretty determined to catch me. So, I took my chances and slowly started to back away. My eyes wondered from Sans to Papyrus, until Sans cought my gaze, his left eye flashing a blue color. My heart did a jump and Papyrus quickly raised one hand, and the ground rumbled. I lost balance and fell backwards, only to fall against big...bones? They had an eerie orange glow to them. I quickly took a few steps away from them, and faced the brothers once again.

"Ah, trying to run away while we're distracted. Not very brave of you, human." Papyrus chuckled and turned around, facing me. Sans strolled besides him, staring at me. Ugh, can he like..not??

"Come with me, human, once I'll have you, I'll finally be able to join the Royal Guard! I, the great Papyrus, will finally be noticed and rewarded!" I cringed, thinking that he was being a bit too...determined.

"If I gave up, then how could you get into the Royal Guard, if you can't even fight?" I don't know why, but it just slipped out of my mouth. Will I regret this later? Probably yes. Was this a stupid move? Again, maybe yes. Sans stiffened, then casted me a full on glare. If looks could kill, then I'd be dead meat.

"H-How dare you say that! I, the great Papyrus, can fight!" The tall skeleton said, crossing his arms. "And I shall prove it." All of a sudden, a familiar warm feeling overtook me. This time, everything around me stayed in color. My heart literally came out of my chest, glowing once again in different colors. Papyrus didn't pay much attention, but Sans...he kept staring at me as if I was from an another planet. Well, technically I wasn't from here, but that's all I know.

"Prepare to lose, human." With one swift movement Papyrus sent orange-ish bones straight at me. I managed to dodge them all. I didn't know what to do, so I just used my time to catch my breath for more incoming attacks.
Maybe I can tire him out? "Aren't you gonna do anything, human?" He asked. I stayed silent, staring at him right in the eye. "Very well, then." Another wave of bones attacked me. This time I wasn't so quick, because I tripped over a hard bundle of snow. One of his bones hit my leg, the other scratched my arm and the third barely missed my cheek, landing in front of my face.

The same stinging sensation overtook my whole body. For a moment I thought I couldn't move, but I quickly stood up after regaining my strength, not showing any signs of weakness other than breathing heavily. Papyrus laughed in victory, while Sans stayed quiet, still staring at the heart I had. What's up with that?

It kept on and on. More bones were fired at me in great speed. As time passed, I grew tired myself, but Papyrus didn't seem tired at all aside from the little swear beads he had on his forehead. I too was sweating. Probably not the best idea to do in cold weather like this, you could easily get sick if my body's temperature will decrease quickly. It was my turn, and I decided to try something new. I knew I couldn't keep this up, and I could feel my energy and health dropping. I sighed and took a step closer to the skeleton.

"Papyrus, why do you need to catch me? Just to get in the Royal Guard?" I asked. For a moment, he seemed surprised that I used talking instead of acting. "Well, because that's my dream! And I want to be noticed by everyone! I want to wake up in the morning and be showered with kisses from everyone. Ah, a dream surely come true." He replied.

"I understand, but... Is it worth it? I mean, you don't need to prove yourself to anyone. You're already great to the peop- er, monsters who care about you and are close to you." I kept talking. I wasn't sure what I was aiming at, but it seemed to make Papyrus think hard. "Well... I guess you're right. But I'm tired of everyone not noticing me! I want to be noticed! Want to be known!" He continued. I quickly glanced at Sans, who gave me a confused look, which meant he didn't trust me at all.

"Papyrus..." I took a step closer. "You're a really great skeleton already. So what if no one notices your the way you'd like them to? Who cares, honestly. The right people will always notice you and admire your hard work." I gave him the sweetest smile, which he seemed to buy. But Sans..what's up with him?

"I hate to say this..but..you're right. I..really don't need to prove myself to anyone. Yes, the right monsters will care for me and know me. I shouldn't act like someone I'm not, though, I really wish I could get into the R-" I cut Papyrus off mid sentence by placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know, but maybe fate has something better up its sleeve for you? Are you sure it's your true calling? If you bring a human to where you're supposed to, then.. What makes you think that they'll accept you? They might just..take the human and shoo you away. I wouldn't want to see your heart break..and I'm sure your brother wouldn't want that as well.." I gulped, trying to make this as convincing as possible. But honestly, I was speaking the truth.

Papyrus sighed, then nodded. Slowly, all the bones started to disappear, and my heart faded away back into my chest. "Maybe there is something better out there." He added. "I'm sure of it. You're a great guy as far as I know." I smiled, then patted him on the shoulder.

"Thank you for opening my eyes, human, I...I didn't know there might be something better. I'm sorry for attacking you. Are you hurt?" Papyrus asked. I shrugged. "I'm fine and it's okay." Suddenly, a twig snapped near by, followed by footsteps which were running. Papyrus straightened out. "There's an intruder here, I can feel it, I must go. Sans, stop being lazy and you, human.. Thank you." I nodded and he rushed off after whoever was in the forest. It gave me chills, but I didn't mind.

I felt a pair of eyes burning into my back. I turned to face Sans. He was down right glaring at me. "What's your problem?" I ask, crossing my arms. "Didn't buy that cheesy stuff. You're only lying to get your ass out of trouble. Heh heh...so brave of you." Sans stuffed his hands in his pockets and scowled.

I furrowed my brows and cleared my throat. "Why not? I was speaking the truth. At least I made your brother feel better. He saw a human and I convinced him that there's more possibilities out there." He didn't reply, just stared at me. I shifted awkwardly, looking sideways. "You should at least say thank you." I added, then turned around.

"Thank you?" He laughed. "Thank you? For what? Mocking my brother?" I narrowed my eyes, and dropped my head. "I wasn't mocking anyone, Sans. I tried to help, and it worked, didn't it?"

"Tch. Sure you weren't mocking anyone. Didn't your mother teach you not to make fun of people?" He spat at me. I took in a deep breath, but didn't dare to turn around. "Again, I didn't make fun of anyone. And you know what?" I whipped around. "How dare you mention my mother? I don't ever remember her! You're in no position to even judge her. So how about you shut your mouth?" Sans looked taken aback by my sudden choice of language.

"What do you mean 'you don't remember her'? Everyone who falls down here remembers their relatives." He stated. I took a step forward and poked him in the chest. "I've lost my memory, you numbskull. Why am I even wasting my time on you?" He grabbed my wrist with one swift movement. My eyes widened and my heart did a jump, but I showed no wear. I jerked my hand away and stepped away.

"I'm leaving. Good riddance." I started to walk away, not looking back. "Do you even have a place to stay?" I could feel the smirk on his face. "As a matter of fact, I do." And with that, I broke into a run, with tears threatening to fall. I don't know why I was on the edge of crying, maybe it was because of my mother? But..I didn't even remember her. Maybe I'm not used to someone mocking me...

I took a sharp turn and started running towards light I saw in the distance, that must be a town up ahead. I might find shelter there.

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