~!* Chapter 8 *!~

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I fluttered my eyes open, only to see the same living room's ceiling staring at me. My eyes were heavy, so I closed them again. That dream...those people. I know them. Olivia..my best friend since primary school. And Regina, Georgia, Courtney...the schools 'hot topic'. Frisk...Frisk? I kind of..remember him.

I furrowed my brows, trying to remember. Olivia's terrified scream once my hand slipped and I fell replayed in my mind.

I fell...

That's how I got down here. I fell into the hole because of those three. Poor Olivia, she must be scared. Are they looking for me?
Who knew Mt. Ebott had a hole which lead to a completely different world underground. Everyone must be so worried about me.

Sans strolled into the room, eyeing me suspiciously. "What was that all about, kid?" He asked. I shrugged, opening my eyes to meet his. "I...had a dream. A part of my memory." I smiled. "What was it about?" Sans questioned. I sat up, putting my head in my hands, sighing deeply. "Me and my friend were staying at my grandma's house, which is near Mt. Ebott. Uh.." I scratched my head, trying to remember details. "We..walked around the mountain, eventually finding a hole. Some of the girls made me stand over it. I did but..I slipped? Yeah. They didn't save me...they thought I was joking. Only my friend tried to save me." Tears threatened to fall,  as I remembered the feeling of being hopeless. The feeling that you're gonna die because of them not believing you. I sniffed, wiping away a small tear.

"Geez, kid, that wasn't exactly a pleasant memory to remember.." Sans said, patting me on the back. "At least you're alive, right?" I sighed, nodding at him. "I need to get out of here, to show them I'm okay." I looked at Sans, determination shining in my eyes. He narrowed his eyes slightly, inspecting me. He was just about to reply, but someone bursted through the front door. I snapped my head towards the hallway as Sans lazily walked to the doorframe.

"Oh hey, Pap." He smirked, giving his brother a little wave. A white dog came running from the hallway, through Sans legs almost making him fall over and towards me. The dog started to bark, circling the couch. I stood up on the couch, following the barking dog. "Snowflake! What ever are you barking at?!" Papyrus yelled, entering the living room. His eyes widened, seeing that I was standing on the couch. "H-Human!"

Snowflake growled, slowly walking back to Papyrus. He took the dog in his hands, petting it softly. "Sans! What is the human doing in our house?" He asked, facing his brother. "I saved her from freezing to death. She doesn't have anywhere to go, so I hope you don't mind her staying over for a while?" Sans shoved his hands in his pockets.  "I never said-" Papyrus cut me off. "Well, she did open my eyes to other possibilities, so I don't mind at all!"

"Wait-" I started.

"See? Now you'll have a place to stay." Sans winked. Snowflake jumped from Papyrus' hands on the couch as soon as I sat down. I stiffened as the dog sniffed me. Suddenly, the dog licked my cheek. I giggled and petted it, seeing that Snowflake has accepted me. "I-It's so nice of you to let me stay. But I don't want to be a burden." I said, looking over at the two brothers.

"Pfft. It's the least we could do. You're a good person, I can feel it!" Papyrus nodded. "Yeah. Besides, you don't have any other place to stay. And here you'll be safe from Asgore." Sans added. I smiled, looking down at Snowflake. "Thank you so much... I..don't know what to say." I chuckled.

"It's nothing, really."
"This calls for dinner! I'm gonna make the best spaghetti ever, just you wait!" Papyrus dashed out of the living room, Snowflake following behind. Sans looked over at me, tilting his head to the side. "Wait..I never got your name." He said, sitting down on the couch. Still feeling unsure if I could trust him, I scooted at the other end, leaning against the armrest. "It's (Y/n)." I murmured, sighing again. "(Y/n)...a name only a human could have." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes. "Are you sure you're okay with me staying here?" I asked just to make sure. "Absolutely positive." He nodded.

After that, we didn't speak at all. I turned my gaze at the fireplace, staring at the dancing flames. So this is my new life, underground in a mountain. I wonder if I'll ever get to the surface? Maybe there is some other way we could get out. And by 'we' I mean every monster. The humans were mean to lock every monster down here, while they enjoyed the beautiful sun and moon.

I'm grateful that the brothers allowed me to stay here. And maybe someday I'll be able to repay them...somehow.

I don't have much memory, but I guess it's no use to sit around and do nothing. It's time to make new memories, which I hope I will never forget. I smiled, not noticing that Sans was watching me intensely for whatever reason.

When I'll walk down memory lane, I'll be sure to remember everything.

(Sorry this is short!!!)


Before you attack me saying "FRISK IS NOT A 'He'!!1!

I know Frisk doesn't have a gender but this is my story and I do what I want I guess! But yeah, I didn't wanna just call Frisk "them" every time :/

Memory Lane [DISCONTINUED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz