Chapter Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning

She came to a perfect square halt at X and I tickled her withers reassuringly as I asked her to back up, which she executed flawlessly. Then, I squeezed my legs around the mare and she transitioned immediately into an uphill, floating canter. I'd never been so grateful that the mare was so responsive and sensitive, because otherwise the transition might not have scored as highly in this test.

Brenna had settled into the test by now, and almost all the tension had trickled out of her system. But it still felt like being perched on the edge of an active volcano; at any moment she could erupt and streams of lava and ash and fragmented rock would drown us in disaster. Anything could trigger her, but as long as I stayed calm, I could deter her from exploding.

We spiralled and weaved across the arena sinuously, and Brenna's lead changes were expressive and impulsive and accurate. As we powered across the length of the arena in an uphill and emphatic extended canter, I heard low mutters arise from the audience as they watched Brenna move with awe. She tensed slightly as I collected her, ears flickering in response to the muffled cacophony of noise, but I murmured soothing words to calm her again. She executed a graceful and precise canter half-pass that I knew would score highly. Then we were cantering down the centre-line and coming to a perfect square halt at X.

I raised my hand to salute the judges and signal the end of the test, a smile flourishing on my lips. We'd done it, and we'd done it well. Pride swelled behind my rib-cage and I dolled praise out to the mare, patting her sleek neck affectionately.

"You should be very proud of that test," Holly greeted me with a huge beam that looked almost unnatural on her as I reunited with my team in the collection ring at the far side of the grandstands. "I know I am. All that hard-work finally paid off!"

Avery slipped Brenna a treat, rubbing the blaze on the mare's pretty face adoringly. "I don't think you're a diva anymore, Brenna. I think you're more of a queen."

I slid out of the saddle and fell right into Callum's arms. "What a beautiful test from my two beautiful girls. I couldn't be more proud."

I beamed, and my heart swelled in my chest. I didn't think it was possible to feel any more elated that I already did after that successful test with Brenna, but Callum's sweet words and warm embrace managed to make me feel even more euphoric. I placed a lingering kiss on his lips. "I love you."

He pulled away, blinking at me in surprise. It was the first time I'd uttered those words to him, and I didn't realise how true they were until they'd fallen past my lips. The cerulean oceans in his eyes lapped against my heart-strings, adoration swimming through the waves. He smiled the biggest smile I'd ever seen. "I love you too."

"The scores should be posted shortly," Holly announced, pulling Callum and I away from our reverie. Beside her, Avery mimed puking at our intimate embrace. But she was grinning and flashed me a wink, stroking Brenna's neck.

"I reckon that was enough to put you in the top ten," Callum said.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "You reckon?"

"He could be right," Holly agreed. "It was a good test. Brenna's paces and ability to perform the movements are flawless. She was slightly tense at some points, so you may have lost a few marks for accuracy and willingness, but I can't imagine too many points would be deducted."

"She certainly felt tense..." I frowned.

"It was barely noticeable. I mean, the judges are professionals and their eyes are trained to notice even the slightest of flaws, but you know that horse better than anyone. If she felt tense, you did a good job of keeping her calm."

The four of us began leading Brenna back to her stall. It took a few minutes to walk from the main arena to the stable blocks, so there was no need to get back in the saddle and cool her off. Holly disappeared somewhere along the way to check the scoreboard, and Callum and I aided Avery on untacking the mare. We were just about to groom the mare down when Holly returned, looking slightly flushed.

"Do you want the good news first, or the bad news?"

I bit my lip. "The good news...?"

"You scored 44.6..." Holly announced. "Which puts you in ninth position!"

Disbelief filled my bloodstream. After all the blood, sweat and tears I'd devoted to getting the chance to even attend this event, I never imagined that I'd be amongst the top ten after dressage. It was too good to be true.

"Are you kidding?" I gasped, blinking at my trainer in disbelief.

"You can check the scoreboard if you don't believe me," Holly said, straight-faced.

"That's amazing, baby," Callum congratulated, slipping his arm around my waist.

"What's the bad news?" Avery inquired, her tone apprehensive.

"The top score of the day is 36.3," Holly replied. "Attained by Annabel Williams and Black Orchid."

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