Chapter 22: The Party

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Marco's POV

I opened my eyes to see no evil beings.

"Star, STAR!" I said with a worried face.

I got out of her arms and knelt down beside her.

She did not move, not even a heartbeat.

I knelt down beside her, weeping as I said... Quietly.

"Star, I know you can't hear me but I've always wanted to tell you this..."

I could not continue my sentence. I was to depressed.

"Oh Star, this wa all my fault, I'm sorry."

I carried her bridal style to her parents who were crying of joy.

(Time skip to the house)

All seemed like a bad dream, but it felt so real.

I remember Star hugging me and light was coming our of her palm. Something like that.

Luckily, Star's parents found a spell to revive my friend. I'm glad for that.

"Star," I asked my friend who was silently sleeping on her bed. I was in her room. Looks like she passed out too.

Star slowly fluttered her eyes opened and smiled at me.

"Marco," she said in a weary voice. "You're okay!" She hugged me tight like there was no tomorrow.

"Oww! My arm!" Star exclaimed. I removed the blanket that was covering her arm to see a cast.

"Awww snap. I can't use my right arm now," she complained.

"It's okay Star, just don't turn it into a monster arm okay?"

"Haha okay."

"Say, how's Jackie?"

"Her? Eh, I have no more crush on her after that incident."

"Do you have a new crush?"

"Well... To be honest, it's-"

Suddenly, Star's mirror rang. Why does something always interrupt our moment?

"I'll get it for ya Star!" I said, running to answer the mirror.

"HELLO GUYS!" Everyone said through the mirror.

"Guys!" Star said, standing up and running to see all her friends and family. Everyone was there. Star's parents, Ponyhead, Tom, and others.

"How are you darling?" Star's mom asked.

"Oh I'm fine, just a little injury," the princess replied.

"Oh that looks terrible gurl!" Ponyhead said. "Bruh, can't you fix it with your wand?"

"I'd rather not."

"Hey there earth turd! Wazzup?" Ponyhead said, looking at me.

"I'm good," I replied.

"Hello Tom," Star said. "As far as I'm concerned, how are you?"

"I'm doing great, you?" Tom replied.

"I'm good. Just a cast over here but I'm fine."

"Well if you're fine, let's throw a party!"

"SWEET! Ponyhead, get up the jam!"

(Time skip to the party at the Bounce Lounge)

"This is AWESOME! Right B-fly?" Ponyhead exclaimed.

"Yeah Ponyhead!" Star said. "I'm glad everyone's safe!

"Say Star," I said, running up to her. "What happened to Toffee?"

"Hmm... I have no idea! Whelp, at least he's gone!"

"For now..."

"Who knows what that light thingy did to him."

"Yeah Star, that was pretty amazing."

"Hopefully he doesn't come back."

"Hopefully never."

"Say, about a while ago, who is your new crush?"

My checks turned bright red.

"You know Star, Before I met you, I was scared to talk to you. When I got to talk to you, I was too scared to touch you. When I got to hold your hand, I was too scared to kiss you. But now that I kissed you, I was too scared to love you. But now that I love you, Im too scared to lose you."

I ended my giving her a soft kiss on the cheeck.

"It's you Star, I love you."

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