I call him and he picks up on the third ring. I smile softly when my eyes meet his but the smile soon turns into a frown when I watch his take a drag from the cigarette between his fingers. He's to the side of the screen, his converse-covered feet up on his desk to the left of the screen.

"Hey..." He murmurs and blows out the smoke.

"Shane, what are you doing?" I whisper and lean closer to my computer screen.

"I told you," he says quietly and takes another drag before breathing out. "I'm back in the dark place...."

"Shane stop." I plead as I watch him take another long drag from the death stick. He stops as he breathes out the poisonous smoke. "Please," I try again. "Those will kill you..."

He frowns and looks away from my face to the cigarette.

"Why stop?" He murmurs after a while. "We're all going to die someday. Whether it be from old age, an accident, a murder, suicide or a disease, the end result will always be the same; death."

He looks back to me. "Why not speed up the process?"

"Because I don't want you to die," I whisper hoarsely. "Not before I can kiss you."

His beautiful eyes lock with mine. He inhales deeply and turns to his cigarette. After casting one last glance at me, he puts his cigarette out on his converse.

We sit there for a few minutes, both of us just staring at each other under I break the silence.

"I love you," I whisper and immediately want to stuff a sock in my mouth.

Damn it, why did you say that?

You're so fuçkįng stupid.

Jfc, you stalker.

His eyes lock with mine and I swear he stops breathing. He slowly lifts his feet off the desk and moves closer to his screen.

"What?" He breathes out after a prolonged silence.

Well you said it once, may as well say it again.

Füçkįñg idiot.

"I said," I pause slightly, dragging my gaze away from his. "I love you..." I mumble and then risk a glance up at him.

My eyes search his face and I'm confused at his mouth which is pulled into a slight side smile.

"I love you too but-" he begins but I cut him off, feeling my heart break.

"But I'm too young, but we're too broken, but we're too far apart- I get it. There's always going to be a but." Blinking the tears away, I use my palm to wipe away the stray ones.

"That's not what I was going to say," he speaks softly and I look up at him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and tears leaking slowly out of the corner of my eyes.

"I was going to say," his eyes lock with mine and the raw emotion in them makes me want to start sobbing. "'I love you but I think ten years down the line when I wake up with you next to me and the sunlight is streaming down your face, I might love you even more."




*breathes heavily*


phew okay im calming down.
*clears throat*



But only if you want to.

Love you guys!

~ Kiss The Past Away 💋

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One person will comment a line of a story, then another person will reply with the next line until someone ends it. Get it?

Twitter: PhotographyNerd
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Kik: jjone387

Adopted by Pentatonix (#Power10)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora