Chapter 5~Age Seven Part Two

Start from the beginning

Everyone looked at their menus and I just stared at mine. Really, a kiddie menu? I glanced over at Shinako and she was coloring her kiddie menu and Tobi-nii was watching her do so. Why didn't Tobi-nii have a kiddie menu? Hidan-nii looked at me and grinned.

"What's the d*** matter Tukiko ? Little kids have to eat little kid meals," Hidan-nii teased me.

I glared at him.

"I'm more mature than you!" I told him.

"Yeah right, little b****" Hidan-nii told me, chuckling.

I glared at him and he stared at me This lasted for two minutes until an idea popped into my head.

"Wanna make a bet, nii-san?" I asked Hidan-nii.

"Bring it, little b****," Hidan-nii told me. Torturing Hidan-nii is going to be fun!

"If you can go this entire meal without cussing, then I'll dye my hair pink for an entire week, if you can't go an entire meal then you have to wear a pink kimono for an entire day," I told Hidan-nii.

He thought about it for a few minutes and then grinned and chuckled.

"Deal, b****," Hidan-nii told me.

"The bet starts now," I told Hidan-nii.

Soon a waiter showed up and took our orders. Grandpa Kakuzu started wincing whenever he heard a really expensive dish being called out. Which was four times. By dad, mom, Hidan-nii to make grandpa Kakuzu mad, and by Orochimaru-nii. Sasori-nii just said that he wanted water. Shinako and I had to order off of our kiddie menus because it saved money. I would have been fine with that, if the waitress hadn't looked at me and said 'cute' before leaving.

Kaa-san looked at me when the waiter left and chuckled.

"I told you that you looked cute!" mom told me.

"Whatever," I muttered.

Hidan-nii started fiddling with his fork and knife. Here comes the fun part of the bet, if I want to win then I'm going to have to mess with Hidan-nii. Torturing Hidan-nii will be fun! I looked at the ground and lifted my foot up really high above Hidan-nii's foot. Then ever so quickly, I brought it down.

"Son of a-" Hidan-nii started to say. He then looked at me smiling at him.

"-Gun," Hidan-nii finished.

Everyone at the table looked at him surprised that he didn't cuss.

"Are you feeling okay Hidan?" Orochimaru-nii asked.

"Just dandy," Hidan-nii replied.

"Then why did you just yell out in pain?" Shinako asked him.

"I just remembered that my favorite show is playing right now," Hidan-nii said.

Okay, I have to admit that that was a pretty good save. Everyone shrugged and went back to talking with each other. Although they would occasionally glance at Hidan-nii once in a while.

"Nice try imouto, but it's going to take a lot more than that to break me," Hidan-nii whispered. 

"I'm not done yet," I whispered back.

"Bring it," Hidan-nii whispered back before talking to grandpa Kakuzu. Well, more like arguing with grandpa Kakuzu. I sighed and thought about what to do in my head. I could spill my water on his crotch. No, I can't make that look like an accident. I then got an idea. If this doesn't succeed than I won't have a lot of other choices.

I would have to wait in the mean time until our food came. While I wait I should tell Sasori-nii about the bet, he can help me out! I looked over at Sasori-nii who was just sitting there staring off into space.

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