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"Noah!" Marie yelled. I winced. Oh great what have I done now? I turned around to look at the frantic girl that I call my best friend. We were currently at the mall. Marie wanted to get a new dress because homecoming was coming up soon. Not that she already had millions in her closet. Note the sarcasm. I sighed. She caught me sneaking away. "Homecomings not for another 2 months." I argue. She gasped and put her hands on her hips, taking her famous sassy stance. "Maybe it's a long time to you but for girls 2 months is not that long to get things planned!" She defended. I hung my head, giving in to her. "Yeah yeah whatever, have you found one you like yet?" I changed the subject. She huffed. "NO! Ugh! It's horrible! Nothing is perfect!" She pouted. I bit my lip, Marie was my best friend but her attitude changed very fast. "Let's keep looking! You'll find something!" I encouraged her. She smiled. "Yes! Come on!" She grabbed my arm and dragged into another store. This time it was a lingerie store. My face became beat red. "Really?!" I screeched, embarrassed. She turned to me with a smirk. "I gotta look good for my boyfriend! He's taking me out tonight!" She winked at the end. I rolled my eyes. "Sheesh..." Were both seniors but Marie has had her fair share of men. She sleeps around with almost any guy she meets, except for me because I'm gay. Yep, that's me, the guy lover. Make fun all you want but it's just who I turned out to be. My mom raised me after my dad abused her to the point the cops got involved. I wasn't very tall for a guy and I had brown sandy hair that was a little long, ear length at the longest. I had green eyes to match my pale skin, I was lean and slender and freckles dotted my face. Marie on the other hand was tall for a girl. She had pretty blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes. She was what other girls envied. The school knew I was gay and it wasn't that big a deal, as there were a handful of other guys who swung my way. Some went as far as to try and hook up with me but I wanted to save myself for the right person. I plopped down on the bench outside the girl store and looked down at my black and white converse. "I'll wait out here..." I announced to her. She sighed. "Whatever loser!" She teased before disappearing into the store. I took out my phone and turned on my data. Then I opened ifunny, lets see what's in the features today. After I looked through the features I opened tumblr.  Suddenly I heard a familiar voice. I looked up to see the most popular guy in school here with his girlfriend. I blushed. Liam Harris was the most popular guy in school. He was literally the definition of perfect. He had a well toned and built body. His hair was the perfect color of brown to match his hazel eyes. His beautiful eyes suddenly caught mine and he smiled, oh his godly smile made my heart beat faster. Yes, this man was attractive to me but I would never tell him how I feel. I mean for crimeny sakes he has a girlfriend. Not to mention it might sully his reputation. "Do you want to come in with me? You can see what I'll be wearing tonight..." She toyed with him. Liam's girlfriend was Dana White. She was the most popular girl in our school and also quite the slut. "Naw, I'll sit here with Noah." Liam stated. My eyes widened and I blushed. He knows my name! B-but I'm a gay loser! How does he know me?! And why does he want to sit with me?! I was shocked to say the least. Dana looked over at me with a bit of disgust. "Honey..." She pleaded. He shrugged. "I'd rather be surprised tonight." He stated. He didn't sound too enthused. In fact I'd go so far as saying he looked throughly bored. She sighed. "Okay, if you insist." She then left. Liam came and sat down beside me. I scooted away a bit. He chuckled. "That's hurtful... Even you don't like me...?" My mouth dropped, was that a gay joke or something?! He laughed, noticing my reaction. "I'm joking. I just didn't want to go in that store." I blushed. "Yeah..." I agreed. "How come your here?" He asked me. I sighed. "My friend is finding something for her boyfriend." I explained. He nodded. "Women..." He sighed. I nodded. Silence set in so I looked around and tried to keep from looking at the sexy man sitting next to me. "What's it like?" He suddenly asked. "Huh?!" I snapped my head at him, completely confused. He blushed a little. "I don't mean to be so rude but... What's it like being gay?" He asked. He had lowered his head and voice. I was completely speechless. "U-uh...!" How am I suppose to answer that?! He blushed a little and looked away. "Sorry, I just got curious... Forget I said anything." I sat there still speechless. What the heck?! Why did he ask that? Finally I saw Marie coming. I stood up, somewhat regaining my composure. "It's actually quite normal... Contrary to belief." I stated before Marie got here. He looked up at me surprised. I smiled at Marie and she smiled back but was a little confused as to why Liam was siting next to me. "Ready?" I asked her. She smiled really big. "As soon as I find the dress!!" She squealed. I groaned. "Can't we-" she glared at me before I could finish my protest. "Okay, okay..." I surrendered. I glanced at Liam and he was sort of smiling at us. I blushed and then looked away. "L-let's go!" I urged Marie. She rolled her eyes. "Geez, someone's excited!" She teased me. I glared at her. She laughed and we were on our way. "Lets go eat first, I'm super hungry!" She announced as we walked away. I nonchalantly agreed. After finding a place to eat at in the mall we sat down and ordered. "Hey... Earlier, why was Liam sitting with you?" Marie asked. I sighed, remembering it. "I honestly can't say. You know he asked me what it was like being gay?" I swished my straw around in my pop. She looked at me with a shocked expression. "No way!? Seriously!!? And what did you say?!" She exclaimed. I blushed and glared at her. "Sh!" I glanced around before speaking again. "I was speechless for a second and then I just simply told him it was quite normal..." I confessed. Now it was Marie who was speechless for a second. Then she busted out laughing. "Oh my god! Are you kidding me? Noah you have balls talking to Liam Harris like that!" She laughed. I blushed. "Be quiet!!" I looked around, worried someone might over hear her. "Someone might hear!!" I warned. She laughed even louder. "Oh Noah... You've got balls..." She wiped her watery eyes. "This has been a lovely Saturday!" She cheered. I glared at her. "Maybe for you..." I muttered. By the time she dropped me off at home it was 3:47. I plopped down on my bed after greeting my mom. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and plugged in my earbuds. As my favorite song started to play I picked up a book and started to read. Not long after I grew tired and fell asleep. Waking up I realized it was 9:30. Dammit! I was planning on leaving with my mom as she drove to work so she could drop me off at the library. I needed to return a book. I noticed my music still blared into my earbuds but I must of pulled them out while I slept. I sighed. Guess I'll walk to the library instead. I got out of bed and took of yesterday's clothes. I hopped in the shower, washing my body. I washed my hair and then stood in the lukewarm water. Aw... This feels nice... My mind flashes back to yesterday when Liam Harris asked me what it was like being gay. I had responded a bit sarcastically but it as the closet thing to truth. I mean sure you get hate emails every now and then, or even confronted personally by the hate rebut other than that it's really normal. I have friends, a family, a part time job, I go to school and learn. There's nothing different. Well except being into guys. It's not really what you think though. I may be gay but it's not like I'm a whore. I mean I've never dated anyone in my entire life and right now the only guy that me remotely interested is Liam. Which is a hopeless crush because he's straight and has a girlfriend. Not to mention he's super popular. I'm just a nobody... I sigh and shut off the water, grabbing a towel to dry myself. I wrap the towel around my hips and step, prepping myself for the day. I wonder if Liam will try and talk to me at school tomorrow?

How was it? I hope you all liked it. I've only ever written short stories on the anime pairing Takano and Ritsu from Sekai ichi Hatsukoi. This is the first time I've done a story like this so please tell me how it was but be considerate because like I said this is my first time writing one of these stories.

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