Episode Two: Sacrifices

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"I learned a long time ago that the sacrifice of one life for the benefit of the whole is worth it. I nearly lost my life to Gunther Quail and his implants, but I risked everything to make it to Petra. Their support was what helped the Deathless rebels win the war. If it weren't for me being ready to give it all up, I'm not sure what the world would be like now. Sacrifice is essential for preservation."
-Ian Becker

"-Ian Becker

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I can't believe what my parents and wrinkly old Raviv from the World Alliance just asked me to do.

No, wait... I can believe it, because that's how it's always been. The world before family. Other people's kids before their own.

I should have suspected something this ridiculous would be asked of me as soon as Mom and Dad took me to my favorite temple in New Japan, Kinkaku-ji. My arms rest on the wooden railing, and I lean over to look into the golden water, which reflects both the golden pavilion standing above me and the mixed look of disappointment and disgust smeared all over my face. I should have known for sure something messed up was happening when Raviv was here waiting for us. I'm almost more angry with myself than the three of them for not running the other way when I realized this was an ambush.

Still, I stand up straight and ask, just to be sure I'm not hallucinating: "You need me to do what?"

Mom opens her mouth, but before she can make up some sort of diplomatic response, I say, "And please remember that you're talking to your eighteen-year-old daughter when you suggest this preposterous idea."

Mom bites her lips. Dad looks up. Unfortunately, my little plea didn't appeal to Raviv.

"Tempest, you have grown up as an ambassador of the World Alliance, and as such, you have seen how delicately this world is balanced. With the development and production of the Mayflower Spacecraft, the Japanese are on top, and they are aware of it."

"What does any of that have to do with me? Other than the part where you specifically mentioned me."

Dad shoots me a look.

However, the ever unfazed Raviv, just keeps on talking: "Emperor Oshiro is a reasonable man. He wants what everyone on Earth wants: continuity. He wants to see his son Yuri happy and healthy, especially as he sends him to Janus on the Mayflower."

I scoff. "I want to hear you three say it. Tell me flat out, right to my face that that spoiled kid's happiness is more important than my own. Go ahead, say it. Tell me what you need me to do for the good of the world."

"Sacrifice is essential for preservation," Dad says.

"No, no, no. Say it."

"Tempest, honey, we already told you what we are asking of you," Mom says.

Raviv steps in once again to pepper his signature professionalism over this family intervention, and I grind my teeth as he does what I only want my parents to do: be clear with me. "We are asking you to join the mission to Janus as the bride-to-be of Yuri Oshiro. He has expressed interest in you from your many meetings during World Alliance functions, and has requested your presence on the Mayflower with him. Emperor Oshiro has agreed to forgive some of the Alliance's debt to New Japan, which will keep the peace between the allied nations, if you agree."

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