Chapter 21 At a closer distance

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  I've been at camp now for two weeks. And I have about two weeks left. I don't miss home. I honestly don't want to go back. I love how far away from my parents I am right now.
   I love my classes here especially the ones with Derek. Who I haven't seen all day. It's like he just disappeared. After all of my classes were over I went over to his cabin. I knocked on the answer. I knocked again, still no answer. "Derek?" I called. "Are you in there?" I walk into the cabin and find him sitting on his bed with his headphones in, like always. I go over to him and sit down on his bed. He doesn't even look at me. He's...ignoring me.
   "Derek?" I say. No answer. So I playfully punch him lim we always do. He took his headphones off and started to yell at me. "What the heck is your problem!?" I was completely taken aback. "We always do that." I said. I was about to cry until he finally said, "look, I'm sorry. I just think I need to create some distance between us." "Why?" I asked. "Because! I thought you liked me! liked me. But yesterday I was proved wrong. I know you just got out of a crappy relationship but. I don't know. I thought I could heal you! I know it sounds crazy, but...I love you. And since you don't feel the same way, I think we just need to have a little time away from each other. Until I'm ready to be your friend again." He told me, he was almost in tears. "Until your ready? What about me?!? I am ready! Look, I love you too! I need you in my life! You make me laugh and smile and you're so full of life! And I love you. Yeah, I love you..." I waited for a response. Anything. He just stared at me. Then he finally said, "You do? I knew it!" He was smiling now. "I'm sorry. I was being stupid." He spread his arms apart. "Ok this is the distance between us." Then he put his hands together and said, "This is where I want it to be." I started to smile. He is so cute!
   I give him a giant hug and I almost start to cry tears of joy. The distance between us is not as far as it used to be, in fact, there is no more space between us...

Girl made of glassजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें