Chapter 9 I just need a friend

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  Me shutting everyone out is starting to back fire, so I called up Brooke and asked her to come over. "Hey what's up?" She asked as she came into my room. I started to cry and gave her a big hug. "I go off to camp in a few days and I don't know..I'm going to miss you and I just really needed a friend right now!" I cried. "Shhhh it's okay, Liv. I'm here." She reassured me. "Thank you!" I cried. We sat there for I don't know how long. It was so nice to finally have company. So nice to finally have a friend. Of course I always did have a friend, I was just too oblivious to call her. I leave for camp in three days. I'm going to miss this moment. I don't want to go to camp anymore, but it's already been payed for. I wish I could bring Brooke but she's going to Florida. I'm going to be alone...again.

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