Jordan's P.O.V.
I've been trying to reach Yn for the past 15 minutes but it's no use. She must really be done with me. When I made my way back into my condo I see Angela with a sweet smile on her face.

Jordan-What're you happy about?

Angela-Umm there's something I gotta tell you...

Jordan-If it's bad news I don't wanna hear it. As you can see I've had a rough day.(plopped on the couch)

Angela-It's good depends on how you take it.

Jordan-Alright well you may as well tell me now.

Angela-Jay how do you feel about having a little Jay running around here?

I snapped my head towards her with a surprised face.

Jordan-Are you serious?

She nodded her head, and came closer to me on the couch.

Angela-Yeah... I'm pregnant.

Jordan-Congrats but umm how do I know it's mine?

Angela-You're the only one I've been with and sense you don't believe me we can take a test when the baby is born.

Jordan-Alright but just in case I'll support you until then.

Angela-Thanks Jay.(hugs Jordan)

I know y'all wondering why don't I tell her to get an abortion. Because it's not my position to make that decision it's hers and I'm not crossing that line.

Chresanto's P.O.V.
So right now Lucas and I are eating at ihop and talking while Yn is enjoying her relaxation day. The more she's being heartbroken by Jordan, the more I care for and want to show her what real love is. But, I have to be patient and give her time.


Chresanto-Yeah Luc?

Lucas-I had a weird dream but I don't know if it was real.

Chresanto-Really what was it about?

Lucas-That I was in my dad's car and I was looking through the window and saw you and him fighting. Then I see mommy and she got hit by my dad. Did that really happen?

I was shocked because I didn't even know Lucas was in the situation to begin with at the time.

Chresanto-Nah man you must've been in deep sleep. Your dad would never hurt your mom.

Lucas-Are you sure cause back at home I would hear them yell and argue and it made me scared.

I felt bad for the kid because I remember when I was in the position he was in when my parents would argue. hmm strange.

Chresanto-Well I'll tell you that they love you very much and whatever concern you have with your mom and dad, you should talk to your mom ok?

Lucas-Oo ok.

Chresanto-And if you want to be a strong man like me and your dad... You should never be scared of anything, one day there's gonna come a time where you have to protect your mom, and at that you need to be strong and brave for her ok?

Lucas-Alright. Thanks Chresanto.

Chresanto-No prob, now let's get back to my place to see your mom and tell her how your first day was.

Yn's P.O.V.

This bath Chresanto made is amazing I swear! I've been in here for the longest time, it feels so good

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This bath Chresanto made is amazing I swear! I've been in here for the longest time, it feels so good. The note on it says that he thinks that I've been crying and depressed for a couple of weeks that he felt that I needed something to ease the pain. He's so sweet.

As seconds past I decided to head out to dry off and head to my guest room where the note said to go next and to my surprise everything was beautiful.

As seconds past I decided to head out to dry off and head to my guest room where the note said to go next and to my surprise everything was beautiful

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All these lights and the bed nicely pressed with some nice pajamas to lay.

All these lights and the bed nicely pressed with some nice pajamas to lay

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I got dressed and layed down on my bed to read the next note.

Read Note:
Now that you have been fed and cleaned, it's time to rest until I get back so we can discuss and talk about whatever you want.

I've never been this relaxed ever. Not even with Jordan was I ever this soothed. Chresanto is really incredible. I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep.

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