Chapter 5: Who knew drug dealers could be so childish?

Start from the beginning

Keith got in the car and drove out into the highway.

"You know, you're sitting in my seat. I always go shotgun." Johnny stated as he leaned forward.

"Suck it up. I didn't even ask to be here" I asked.

"I would suck it, but I don't swing that way. You on the other hand, if you're willing. Go right ahead." he told me. I rolled my eyes. Of course I get stuck in the car with a murderer and his perverted best friend. How utterly lovely.

"Who said my door swings that way?" I asked.

"Oh, well, um…" Johnny's face was priceless. It was contorted in this weird puzzled look, plus his mouth was hanging open. I took my phone out and flashed a picture. It was too funny to not too.

"Hey, what are you doing?" he yelled

"Your face was priceless. Right there. Look" I showed the phone and he cracked up.

"You were shitting me, weren't you?" he asked smiling.

Before I could answer, Keith answered for me.

"Yes she was, dumbass."

"You know, I could have played this out longer." I said

"Yeah, but then poor Johnny here might get a headache because he is confused."


"I agree with you there. He does seem like a stupid one." I stated smirking.

"I'll have you know, I am very serious person. I am extremely smart and classy-" at this Keith snorted. "And when I want to, I can be, I can be....."

"I'll give you the serious, but classy? You are about as classy as a family station wagon. And smart? You can't even finish the stupid sentence." He said laughing.

For a moment, I forgot that they were killers. I forgot that I was a teen girl involved in some illegal problems. I forgot that very soon I would probably die. I just sat back and enjoyed the bickering between the two best friends. I sighed in contempt. The boys both looked at me with raised eyebrows.


"You know, I like this girl. Can we keep her?" Johnny asked as if I was a pet. I just glared at him, hopefully he'll get the answer.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Keith clench the steering wheel tightly until his knuckles turned white.

"We'll see." he said.

The car stopped and I noticed that we were outside my house. How did I not notice that we were driving to my house?

"Go inside and pack your bags for about a week. We need to lay low."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me nice and clear. Pack your bags for a week. I am not taking you back so they can kill you. You did nothing wrong, you deserve to live outside this world. Now go pack. It's going to be a tough week." He said.

I started to argue, but the look in his eyes told me that if I even began to argue, he would literally make me pack himself. Don't ask why, but I knew he would.

"What do I tell my aunt?"

"That you need some time, and you are going to visit your parents. Now, go." I didn't have time to question how he knew were my parents where since he pushed me gently out the door.

I opened the front door and went up the wooden stairs that led to my room. I knew my aunt wouldn't be here, since she would still be in the hospital, finalizing the details for Uncle Mitchell's funeral. When I reached my room, I sat on the bed and contemplated.

There's a good chance that Keith is lying, but I doubt so. He seemed serious about letting me be free. If I don't go, there's a high chance that he'll be killed, along with my aunt and myself. I knew that with certainty. I wasn't all that innocent when it came to gangs and such.

I sighed and took out my suitcase. I began to pack random clothes and shoes, and just threw them in. I went to my personal bathroom and brought my tooth brush, hair brush, make-up, and my contacts case and glasses.

"Bring some formal clothes. We might have to go to some fancy places." A voice behind me said, scaring me. I jumped and turned around clutching my heart.

"Don't do that!" I scolded. Keith just smirked. Damn, that smirk was sexy. Wait, no it wasn't. I'm not going to think about him like that. It'll be easier if I hate him.

"Sorry, couldn't help myself. Seriously though,  pack some formal crap. You are gonna need it."

"Um, okay. I will. Calm down." I said as I headed towards my closet and grabbed my black and white dress, my strapless blood red one, and the sexy brown halter dress. I also grabbed my black heeled pumps.

"Can I change into sweats now?" I asked curiously.

"Go right ahead. I'll be loading your bag in the car. Hurry up please, though." I nodded and handed him the suitcase after I zipped it close. He left my room, and I stripped down to my underwear. I put on my comfy dark grey Victoria's Secrets Sweats and grabbed a random t-shirt. I lastly grabbed my sweatshirt and pulled it on. Before I left the room, I ran to the loose floorboard in my room and sank next to it. He always told me to keep spare money hidden in my room, never told me where, just told me to do it. He always said that it would be helpful one day, and I guess that day was today. I should call and thank him, when the time is right of course. I stuffed the wad of cash in my purse, grabbed my flip flops and ran out of my room.

I had left a note to my aunt in the kitchen telling her where I was supposedly going. As I went outside and closed the door, I hoped I was choosing correctly in going with Keith and Johnny. Hopefully, everything would turn out all right and nothing would backfire. I opened the car door and sat myself down. I noticed that Keith had his phone to his ear, while Johnny was playing with some gun app on his Iphone and pretending to shoot Keith. I laughed, while Keith rolled his eyes and motioned me to sit with his finger. Hard to believe that Johnny could be a killer, with the way he acted. He did, however look like one. As soon, as I closed the door, Johnny looked up and smiled at me. Keith pulled out of my driveway and I took a deep breath. Please God, let everything turn out okay.

"Hey, Delilah. I'm gonna need your help with something…" I heard Keith trail off on the phone. I saw Johnny perk up as he tried to listen in to the phone call.

A sinking feeling started in my stomach. Who the hell is this Delilah?


Who is Delilah??? Haha, quiz question. You should already know who it is...hehe.

Lol, so I have off today, which is why I could upload such a long chapter, at least I think it is. i'm not sure how the Wattpad pg conversion goes. Annyways....I hope you like it. Comment/Vote/Fan!

So, I'd like to ask you to read my best friends story called "Unexpected" by 26antara. It's her first story, and I think you should check it out.

Chapter is dedicated to Randomerror18 for being a great fan! Thanks for your comments. They mean a lot to me!

Weird fact of the chapter: Moths have no stomachs.

~Penguins are cool, giraffes are awesome, but nothing beats a bubble bath taking tiger!


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