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Marcel xx Pov

Dear Diary,

Today is Monday – again, that means i have to face my bullies, the beating, the name callings and many more stuff that I’m already used to. I don’t mind though, I’m already used to it. Having to be in the same school as ‘him’ is worth the hate, seeing his face makes me forget the bad things that are happening in my life, i sound so cheesy and cliché, eh, I’ll just put it into the pile of things that i hate about myself next to being ugly and being gay.

-M x

I stood up from my desk and slowly made my way to the bathroom, looking at my reflection in the mirror analysing every feature of my face, My curly hair is messy, i don’t have my glasses on, my emerald green eyes shining more vibrantly.

Gemma, my sister, says i need to lose the glasses and wear my hair like this, and maybe style it more trendy looking, more like it came from this generation, but i won’t do that, i like my hair style and i like wearing glasses, I’m not changing anything about myself, even if people tell me it’s for the best.

I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste, and brushed my teeth, i always took time to brush my teeth, i don’t want to talk to people with a smelly breath or smile with stuff between my teeth, I quickly showered and went outside and picked my clothes, i look at myself in the mirror once again.

Sighing, I thought of people who continuously teased me about my “disgusting” taste of clothing, but i don’t mind, i got used to it. I don’t have to change anything about myself, I am already ugly, i don’t need to waste my time on trying to change ... me.

I slowly made my way downstairs, a note taped on the fridge caught my eyes, it was Gemma who left me a note simply saying. “Marcel there is leftover food in the fridge I’ll be gone for 3 weeks sorry i didn’t tell you sooner good luck and if you ever need money there is money in the safe at the attic –Gemma”

Sighing for like the hundredth time, I slowly got my food, and ate it slowly taking my time, I glance at my wrist watch and saw it was already 6:45 am, school doesn’t start until 7:30, I have enough time.

I strapped my bag behind me and walked at the path to school, I always tried to think about things that i need to do for the day, but somehow i always get distracted by thinking of him. I saw the school gates and walked cautiously, I don’t want to meet any of my bullies today, not this early please, but i know even if i begged God for it, it wouldn’t happen

And i was right when i heard footsteps behind me and a raspy voice shouts “Hey, Nerd, finished my project yet?” Zayn Malik, one of my bullies said behind me. I turn around and shuffled my bag for his project “Yeah, Zayn I did here ...“ I quickly pulled the neatly book bonded file i stayed up all night doing.

“For once in your life you did it right, now walk away, unless you want to be punched again” He said i shuffle away from him quickly running as fast as i can to the front doors of the school, the school was packed even if it’s early, and i hate it, I quickly made my way to the janitor’s closet ignoring the names they kept calling me with.

 Fag, gay, queer, ugly, skinny fuck, nerd, teacher’s slut

I open the door and block the door with a broom from the inside, i slid in the corner, the smell of wax and cleaning supplies itched on my nose as i hear laughter coming from the outside, and hear my own cries, that no one would care about.

Dear Diary,

Sitting here in the Janitor’s closet floor –Again, I met Zayn earlier; he didn’t punch me though like the last time, which is good, aside from all of this, I haven’t seen ‘him’ yet, maybe i will eventually. I just need to see him, seeing him makes me stronger, makes me feel a lot ... better, i just need to see him to go through today, he is now the only reason why i still go to school, except to study and graduate. I just wish that my day wouldn’t get any worse.

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