Chapter 1

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*Daniella's POV

"Daniella!" Ignoring. "Daniella if you're late to school I'm not letting you stay home!" Damn it mom.

I quickly brush my light brown hair and check the mirror, I guess I look okay. I grab my backpack and run down the stairs and grab a granola bar from the kitchen. "It's your first day as a senior, don't do anything stupid." My mom looks at me with that 'Don't mess it up again' look.

I had to transfer my high school for the second time because I kept getting bullied. At one point I felt like I deserved it so I attempted suicide in the bathroom. Nobody wanted to be my friend and everyone literally hated me. Ever since it happened my mom hasn't treated me the same. She thinks I'm crazy. It all started happening when I was in 6th grade, my dad divorced my mom and left us with no money, and having no money in Seattle was a big problem.

I started to eat less because we were running out of food and one day I decided to skip lunch and bring it home and somebody outed me in front of the whole school. Everyone called me fat, poor, broke and I couldn't take it.

I never told my mom because she wouldn't take it serious. My mom soon had a great paying job and got a bigger house, though. When it continued during 8th grade my mom sent me to my dads until junior year. That's when I attempt it. When I couldn't do it anymore.

On that day, it started in math class, some girl saw my scars and told people. The boys started to make fun of me "Aww emo girls gonna be alone forever because nobody would ever date an ugly girl with scars on her arms!"

I ran out into the bathroom and had pills with me. I tried to overdose but I just passed out. I really hope things would be different this year and forever. I can't bare to deal with more pain then I already have.

I roll my eyes and walk out to my car. I start the car and silently drive while thinking about the cold memories. My heart rapidly races as I pull up to my new school. When I pull up I inhale deeply and exhale slowly. "This is it." I say to myself. I get out of my car and walk towards the crowded teenagers aching to leave already into the school.

I walk up to my locker and put my books in it. I grab my first period materials and slam it. 'English: Period 1: Mr. Woods' I feel a bit relieved that I have English first, I was always a reader since I was little. I was also the quiet smart one in the class. But everybody loves pretty and cool, not quiet and smart. I get lost as I look for the room on the second floor.

When I finally walk in the late bell rings and the only seat I have is one in the front. I sit down and quickly glance at a girl sitting next to me. She gives me a small smile as I smile back. "Hello class, as you know I am Mr. Woods. As most of you remember me, I was the detention monitor." He looks at a boy with black hair and streaks of blue in the front. He rolls his eyes and some of the class laughs.

I look at him and he strikes me a death glare. Okay. When class ends I rush to my locker I grab my science materials and walk to the class. As I walk towards the door I bump into a beach blonde headed girl. "I'm pretty sure you should watch wear the fuck you're going next time." I ignore the comment as her and her friends laugh and walk away.

I walk in the room and rush and sit in the back seat. When it was lunch time I grabbed my subway and sat away from the cliques and friends. I watched as the new boy sits with random people but acting as quiet as possible. I get up and throw my food away and get him off my mind. I don't know him.

After lunch I head to my last class and see the quiet unknown boy sitting in the middle of the class. I sit next to him since I had no option and I feel his eyes and turn to look at him. His eyes meet mine and I admire his piercings.

"Do me a favor and stop looking at me." He whispers as class starts. I ignore his rude whispers about me and my outfit until class ends. When I grab my things from my locker the beach blonde girl purposely knocks my books down. She laughs and walks away with her friends. I pick them up and sigh against my locker. I see the rude boy and he looks at me. His mouth opens to say something but I quickly leave before he says anything rude about me. I rush out to get away from the hell of a school and sit in the car. I look at my fading scars on my arm and sigh, this day couldn't get worse.

I look at my clothes and reassure myself that they're perfectly fine. It only was a blue, and light plaid skim shirt and dark jeans with combat boots. But of course on me it was ugly. I drive home and see that I'm home alone.

During my alone time I write in my planner and read. When my mom gets home her and my brother, Andrew sit with me at the dinner table while we eat. "So how was school?" Andrew answers first, "Eighth grade sucks." He groans and she laughs a bit, "How about you?" She glances at me and back to her plate. "Well the classes are good." I say finishing my plate.

I stay silent while I walk up to my room. I take a shower and continue to read The Hunger Games. Before I get my clothes ready for school I look out my window and a few houses away I see the quiet rude boy walking into the house. My eyes widen as I imagine what he would say if he found out I lived here. I get my stuff ready for school and try to sleep.

I couldn't sleep knowing that he lived so close to me. Maybe he was nice if you got to know him? Or maybe he was rude for a reason. I fall asleep and wake up by my loud alarm. I roll out of bed and wash up in the bathroom. I decided that I'd curl my hair since I haven't in awhile. I get dressed a Ed Sheeran concert shirt, light blue jeans and vans.

I don't feel like looking cute since people thought I looked stupid no matter what I wore. I grabbed an apple and headed out to the car. I see the boy and I freeze as he glances at me. I had no clue what to do so I watched him. I get in my car and he just looks at me, he keeps a straight face and gets in his black convertible. I sigh and drive to school.

When I get to my locker I see him a few lockers away from me. I close my locker a little too loud and he looks at me. "So not only do you live close, your lockers close. Great." He says sarcastically. I don't say anything and just walk into homeroom and he follows behind. I panic as he purposely bumps into my shoulder and rolls his eyes. I walk in class and sit in the front again. As classes settle it's lunch time.

I get another subway and sit in the same corner. I see him get his food and sits directly towards me. Oh. "Well?" I say kind of rudely, it was bad enough he was living near me and had 2 classes with me, that wasn't enough for him. "Can I eat or not? I prefer to eat without you looking at me." He growls, I scoot two seats away and silently eat my lunch.

When I get to my last class which was math, the teacher made us sit where we sat yesterday. I sit down and remember I sat next to him. I cover my face with my notebook and hear him pull his chair next to me. Fuck. I put my hands down and do the math work that was given for a grade. I glance at the boys paper and see that his name was Michael. I quickly look back to my paper but his pencil kept taping the desk. He lets out a nervous sigh and I look at him.

"Uhm, do you need help?" I whisper shyly and he looks at my paper. "No, I could use your paper though." He snatches my paper and quickly copies the answers. The teacher quickly looks at us and rushes over to take our work. "Do you realize that you both get a 0 for this assignment!" He hisses and throws them into the trash. Michael shrugs and I feel angry for letting him take my paper. "But Mr. Williams he snatched it from me!" I say and people start looking. He ignores me and I stay silently angry until schools over.

"Do you understand what you've done! I've never gotten a F before but no you've ruined it!" I yell as we walk out of the building. "So what, it's just a grade." he gets into his car and drives off. Just a grade? He clearly doesn't realize that I want a good scholarship. I wonder what he wants to do when he leaves school. I get in my car and drive home, I turn on the radio and turn it louder to forget about what just happened.

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