Chapter 38

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"Happy birthday, bitch!" May says, bursting into my bedroom. She's lucky I'm dressed.

"Gee, thanks?" I say, as the girls swallow me in a hug.

"You ready?" Hannah asks, looping her arm through mine. We head out of the house, the girls taking me to my surprise.

"Try and guess what it is," Grace says excitedly.

"Well, since I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt, I'm guessing it's nothing fancy," I say, looking down at my outfit. I was wearing my black jeans with rips in the knees, my brown boots, my green parker, my three quarter white shirt and my flannel print scarf.

"I love that scarf, by the way," Jane says, and I smile at her.

The lead me over to a road, but there's a sign that says 'street blocked'.

"Guys, we can't go down there," I say, and they pull me around the corner anyway.

When we turn the corner, the only thing I can say about the street is that it is colourful.

There are rides of all sorts, balloons and streamers and lollies and chocolate and every colour of the rainbow in this street.

"What is this?" I ask, looking around in amazement.

"It's a street festival," Jane says, throwing her arms up in the air in excitement.

"How did you find it?" I ask, and May rolls her eyes.

"Google is everyone's best friend, Charlie," she says, and I smile.

We head over to a dodgem car arena, and we line up. Jane gets in a car with me, and Hannah gets in a car with Grace. May gets into a car by herself, but I think everyone prefers it that way. When May is in a race or a contest or anything, she gets very competitive, and everyone is too scared to compete against her in everything.

A man comes onto the track and tells us the basic rules of dodgem cars, and then we start.

I push my foot down on the pedal, ramming into May's car. May looks at me in disbelief, then gives me an evil grin. I quickly drive away from her, absolutely terrified.

I notice Jane whips out her camera, and I stare at her, trying not to laugh.

"You brought out your camera now?" I yell, and Jane laughs, taking a photo of me.

I feel someone crash into the back of me, and I see May poke her tongue out at me. I spin the car around, and spot Grace and Hannah across the track. I drive over to them, and but them in the back. They turn around and see me, Hannah glaring at me before spinning her car out from the wall.

I speed my car away from them, but in the process I bump into a little boy's car.

"Sorry!" I yell out, and the kid turns around. He looks about 11 or 12.

"No problem, sweet thang," he says, winking at me before driving off. I look at Jane, and we burst out laughing.

I wipe a tear away from my eye before focusing on driving.

"My lord, that was funny," Jane says, letting out the last of her giggles. All of a sudden, the ride stops, and we unbuckle our seatbelts before getting out of the car, walking off the track to find Grace and Hannah.

Jane starts telling the story of the boy we crashed into, and May comes off the track and makes her way over to us.

"May, I have got to tell you this story," Jane says, before face palming.

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