Chapter 14

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"What have you done now, Johnson?" Patrick says, just as the loudspeaker finishes calling out my name.

"What can I say? I'm a badass," I say, standing up with my English books.

"Charlie, please don't make our family name look bad. It's not good for daddy's job," dad says, as I walk past him and out the door.

"Don't worry dad, you have nothing to worry about,"


"I still can't believe that us, of all people, have been called to the principals office!" May says, exasperated. May, Hannah, Jane, Grace and I were called moments ago to go to the principal's office, and I'm shaking with nerves.

"I don't remember doing anything wrong, though," Grace says.

"We haven't done anything though," Jane says, and I frown.

"Then why are we here?" Hannah asks, looking at me. I shrug.

"Girls, Principal Dean will see you now," Ms. Brent, the secretary, says, smiling at us and opening the door.

We all look at each other for moral support, then walk into Principal Dean's office.

Our principal sits behind a huge desk, and in front of it are five chairs. Principal Dean is a tall, older man, with a few grey hairs here and there. He's got a kind heart, but if you do something wrong, he doesn't get angry. Just disappointed. That's the worst part.

"Hello, ladies! Come take a seat," he says, a big smile on his face, which easily relaxes all of us. We sit down and Principal Dean finishes typing something on his computer before turning to us with his full attention.

"How are you going with school so far? Anything too challenging? Are you under too much stress?" he asks, and we give the usual 'good, no and no'. I wish he would just get to the point, honestly.

"Now, I brought you here for a very serious matter. Don't worry, you aren't in any trouble whatsoever," Mr. Dean says, and we all let out a sigh of relief.

"I don't know whether you girls know this, but there has been a serious problem with bullying in Year 8," Mr. Dean says, seriously, and I think back to Katie only a week ago.

"Yes sir," I say, and he raises an eyebrow.

"Miss Johnson, did you know about this issue?" He asks, and I feel heat escalate to my cheeks. Stay calm, Charlotte.

"There is a girl in Year 8 who lives next door to me, and she was telling me that there was a problem with bullying in her year level, but that she was going to tell a teacher about it, sir," I say, and he gives me a small smile.

"Well, there was a young girl who did go to the teachers about it, and that is how I have come across this knowledge," he says, and I let myself calm down.

"Now, we have talked to that particular year level many times about how bullying will not be tolerated, but the events of last week has told us that they are not listening," Mr. Dean says, a sad look on his face.

"You are probably wondering why I'm telling you this, right?" Mr. Dean says, and we look at each other, before nodding slightly.

"Well, the teachers have discussed that they think that it might stick with the kids if some older people talked to them, rather than boring old teachers," he says, lightheartedly, and I understand what he is asking us to do.

"So, you want us five to talk to the year 8's about bullying?" Grace asks.

"That's right, Grace. It can be as long as you like, and you can make skits or powerpoints or a short film, whatever you like," he says, and I see Jane light up at the words 'short film'.

"Now, Charlotte, I have a special favour to ask you," Mr. Dean says, looking at me. I take in a deep breath.

"I hear you are quite the musician, no?" Mr. Dean says, and I smile.

"Charlotte is the best female singer in our year level," May says, grinning.

"Oh, well, I don't know about that, but yes, I am quite the musician," I say, reciprocating his words.

"Well, Miss Charlotte, it seems that the younger people today connect better with music than a lecture, so I was wondering whether you could find a song and perform it for the kids? As a way of connecting with them, of course," he says, and I stare at him, shocked.

"I could just play it through a speaker," I say, laughing a little as to not show how nervous I was.

"Oh, but Miss Johnson, it would seem so much more real if you performed it for them personally," Mr. Dean says, and I think about it.

The principal wants me to sing for the year 8's? Not gonna happen

"Ok, sure," I say, and Principal Dean smiles.

"You girls, what you're doing is amazing, and I thank-you from the bottom of my heart," he says, and we all smile at him. It was impossible to be anything but happy with this guy.

"When would you like the presentation to be?" May asks, and Principal Dean looks at his computer before answering.


"Friday? As in, four days away, Friday?" Jane asks, surprise evident in her voice.

"That was the plan. I'm sorry that we haven't been able to ask you any sooner, but we were dealing with a little problem last week," Mr. Dean says, and I look at the girls.

Could we do this in four days?

"We'd love to help, sir," May says, looking at us for approval.

We all nod along, and he smiles.

"You girls are life savers," he says, then bends over and gets something out of the bottom of his desk. A tin.

"I have some Tim Tams for you, and don't worry, I opened the packet this morning," he says, opening the tin and revealing the chocolate coated biscuits.

We take a biscuit before he dismisses us, and I can feel the energetic vibes. This was going to be one hell of a presentation.

Now I have to find a song.


Hey Everyone!

This doesn't even count as a chapter, it's so short. But oh well.

I needed a filler, and it didn't feel right to write anything else in this chapter.

So, Charlie needs to pick a song. Got any ideas? list them below!

The picture attached is what Jane will be doing for the Year 8's

Thanks for all the votes and reads, I love all you readers for it!

Don't be a silent reader, tell me what you think!

Happy Reading :)

Nick and CharlieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora