Chapter 22

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"76 bottles of beer on the wall, 76 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around-" Will sings, and Sebastian glares at him.

"I will punch you if you don't stop singing," Seb says.

"75 bottles of beer on the wall," Will whispers to me, and I giggle before slapping him on the shoulder.


"Shut up!" I say, and he fake cries.

"How much longer," Will whines, and Nick rolls his eyes.

"Will, we literally just heard the loudspeaker say five minutes," May says.

"That's five minutes too many,"


"Ok class, today we are going to be looking at the English language as a whole," Dad says, and the class groans. It's Tuesday morning, and the memories of the long weekend have faded away as I sit in English with Aug and Hannah.

"Please guys, contain your excitement," dad says, rolling his eyes and starting up the projector.

"CLIMB ON BOARD!" Stacey yells, singing along to Zayn Malik's 'Pillowtalk'.

"Stacey, please refrain," dad says, turning around.

"But Mr. Johnson, this song means a lot to me and I absolutely HAVE to listen to it!" Stacey cries, exasperated. Dad sighs, rolling his eyes before turning back to the projector.

"I can't get this damn thing working! Could someone go to I.T. and get Brandon?" Dad asks, looking at me. I huff, before getting out of my chair and making my way to the bottom floor to find Brandon.

"Hey Charlie," Brandon says as I get to I.T.

"Hey Brandon, Mr. Johnson is having trouble with the projector again," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Ok, lets go," he says, bringing up a cord.

After a few minutes, Brandon breaks the silence.

"Thanks for inviting me on the weekend, I had fun," he says, smiling. I reciprocate his gesture.

"It was my pleasure, Brandon," I say, as we walk towards my English classroom.

"Brandon! Thank god you're here, I need you to fix this," Dad says, and Brandon smiles at him before looking at the projector.

Once Brandon finishes up, dad starts showing us the history of the English language. I can now officially say that I dislike languages thoroughly, especially English.

"Ok class, no homework for today but remember that you have me tomorrow so be expecting something then. Have a nice day!" Dad says as the bell rings and the class packs up their books.

"Hey, I have to go get a drink, I'll meet you in the hall," I say to Hannah, since that was where we were currently sitting at lunchtimes since it's getting colder.

"Ok, catchya," she says before turning left.

I walk to the closest drink fountain, taking a drink before turning back around to head to my locker.

As I turn the corner, I crash into a brown-haired girl, dropping my books.

"Merde!" she says under her breath, before dropping to the ground to help me with my books.

"I'm so sorry," she says, a slight accent to her voice that I can't detect. I give her a smile.

"Oh, it's ok, this happens to me a lot," I lie, and she giggles.

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