Chapter 28

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"May, stop being a chocolate hog," Jane says, snatching the chocolate bar off May.

"Hey! I was eating that," May says, and Grace rolls her eyes.

"We noticed," May gives Grace a glare.

It's Monday before formal, and the girls are staying the night at my house. Dad and Aug have gone with Nicolas shopping for suits, and Chelsea has a big work project so she's staying at her hotel tonight.

"Guys, Dillon and Sam will be here soon, and I want you girls to be on your best behavior," I say, frowning at each of them in turn.

I had invited Dillon and Sam because I had gotten to know them better and they are really nice, so I am seriously hoping that the girls will get along with them.

"Charlie, if they're your friends then they're ours too," Hannah says, giving me a reassuring smile. The doorbell rings, and I bounce down the hallway and open the door.

"Hey guys, come in!" I say, letting Sam and Dillon inside.

"Thanks a heap for inviting us," Dillon says, and Sam nods.

"My pleasure guys," I say, then hear a scream. I run down the hallway and see May covered in flour, glaring at Jane.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask, and Grace bursts out laughing.

"Jane was eating the chocolate, and I needed flour for these cupcakes I'm making, so I asked May to get it, and when she did she went to take the chocolate bar but Jane grabbed a handful of flour, and, well," Grace says, giggling. Hannah manages to stifle a giggle, and Jane is cracking up laughing. May snatches the chocolate bar back, but by this time Jane is too busy laughing to care.

I look at Dillon and Sam, who look at the scene in bewilderment.

"Well, you've met the girls," I say, and Dillon giggles.

"This is May, Hannah, Jane and Grace. Guys, this is Dillon and Sam," I introduce the girls to...the girls, I guess.

I show Dillon and Sam to my room, where all of us will be sleeping, and they put their bags down then walk back into the kitchen and we all start helping in making cupcakes.

"So girls, tell us; who are the lucky men that get to date you two?" May asks Dillon and Sam, and Grace slaps May on the arm.

"May! You can't go asking people those things!"

"Why not?"

"Really, it's fine," Dillon says, taking two eggs out of the carton and cracking them into the bowl with flour and cake mix in it.

"I'm not dating anyone, and either is Sam," Dillon says as Grace pours the milk into the bowl. Those two would make quite a team.

"No one?" May asks, a look of shock gracing her features.

"Well, I'm seen as the year level weirdo, and Sam is too good for everyone," Dillon says, and Sam turns a light shade of pink.

"What do you mean you're the year level weirdo?" Hannah asks, sympathy written across her face.

"Not weird as in I wear dark capes and constantly have animal sacrifices, weird as in different. Confident. I don't get embarrassed easily, I speak three languages, English being my second language, and most of all, I argue back to one of the most popular guys in our year level, so that's obviously going to drag some attention," Dillon says, shrugging as if it were all that simple.

"That's so cool that you speak three languages," May says, mixing the cupcake mixture. May likes mixing.

"What are the languages?" Jane asks. It looks like the girls are getting along very well.

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