"I'm coming with you sweetheart." Anne said. We grabbed our coffees and walked right out of there without another word being said.


It still never left my mind on how they stood there.. Just holding hands together. How could the two people who I used to come to with EVERYTHING hate me so much? It doesn't even bother me as much with knowing their dating, it bothers me because I know what their doing. Their trying to dig into me and rip me apart full well-knowing that I trusted them at one time, but I won't let them see it.

I lifted up my sleeve to see cut marks. They of course scabbed considering I haven't cut in 3 days. But Harry's going to kill me, not talk to me.. Or worse.. Leave me.

I will never be able to forget that night before he left when I finally spilled to him about me cutting.. I'll never be able to forget that deep dark green in his eyes, and how disappointed in me that I would do something like this to myself. I never wanted to see that look again, but once he's back, I'll see it again.

I just want things to be right for once. When he returns, I want no arguing, no bickering. I just want to be in his arms, that's my only request.

I walked back to bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at the old scars and the scabs I have on my wrist. He'll kill me.

The song he left for me still replays in my mind. Everytime I look down at my scars, I hear his beautiful voice, the way he sang softly, the way he sang that for me. It replays, and it reminds me that I've done wrong.

"Don't let me, don't let me," I softly sang, running my finger over the cuts. "Don't Let Me Go."

Harry's POV:

"You understand that she's gonna have a heart attack, right?" Zayn asks as we sit next to each other on the plane.

"I know I know." I smiled. I told Kate that I would be home in a week.. I knew I'd be coming home tonight, but I just want to surprise her.. And that's what I'm gonna do.

"Harry, she has no clue does she?" He asks. I smile and shake my head. She doesn't know at all. I don't want her driving up to some filthy airport to meet with me, I don't want her to expect me actually. I want to take her off guard and see what happens.

"Wait, who's picking you up? How do you plan to even get back to the flat?" Zayn asks. I roll my eyes and slouch down in my seat, just getting comfortable.

"Sophie is picking me up. She told me she was gonna stay quiet about my arrival." I answered. He laughed lightly, I'm unsure why but oh well. "Zayn, I'm gonna have a long night tonight. So if you don't mind, I'll be taking a nap."

"No no, you're fine Harry. We still have a ways to go." He responds. I close my eyes and I immediately see my beautiful girlfriend. One that I will be seeing in roughly four hours.

"Harry, wake up." I heard Liam say. I felt like I was being shook and I immediately open my eyes to see Liam above me.

"Come on Lad, our flight just landed." He smiled. I smiled big and stood up, rubbing my eyes and picking up my coat from my seat. I slipped it on and put the hood up.

"Where's my luggage?" I asked looking above my seat. Nothing was there, and there is no way it could've gotten stolen.

"Niall and Paul took it to Sophie's car." Liam answered. I let out a breath of relief.

We walked off of the plane out to the freezing cold weather. I immediately felt chills run up and down my spine. The sky was dark, the inside of the airport only giving light. Liam and I quickly raced inside there and through the airport filled with older people.

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