Land of Broken Dreams Wattpad trailer

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Hey guys, long time no see. So here's a little update on what's going on with this trilogy:

So, I have finished the first draft of Somewhere In Neverland, and I have handed it off to my editor, and she said she should have the first draft edited by the end of March, she will hand it back to me and then I will change a few things, and then it'll go back to her so she can edit it a few more times :)

I have started writing Land Of Broken Dreams, but once my dog died I stopped writing, and I'm not going to continue writing Land of Broken Dreams until I finish off the final copy of Somewhere In Neverland because certain things that I'm changing in Somewhere In Neverland will affect Land Of Broken Dreams, so I don't want to write half the book and then have to delete it and start again!

The book trailer has been up on my youtube channel Abookishworld for a while now, but I haven't had time to notify anyone about it, so here it is, and I hope you like it :)

If you have any questions feel free to email me:                               

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Or you can comment on this chapter, or feel free to hit me up on my instagram: @redhair_blackclothes

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