Friends on the other side (13)

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[above is a picture of the fairy dance scene, except during the day, bc it was the only pic I could find that was easy to photoshop]]

"Riley would love to come to your party," Riley was mute, it was as if she weren't even apart of this conversation, well technically she wasn't, her supposed friend Lena was, and now Lena had dragged her to one of the most generic teenage high school parties in all of London. "won't you Riley?" Lena was looking at her now, she was in too deep, she couldn't say no, because the host, whose name she didn't even know, was going to get offended, and then Lena was going to get mad at her for upsetting her new friend. "Yeah, I'm-uh thrilled, can't wait to party" Riley replied, forcing excitement and kindness into her voice, then Lena's friend flashed a blindingly white smile and walked away to invite more wealthy and popular teenagers to her party, as soon as she was out of earshot Riley turned on her friend. "What the hell Lena?" Lena turned to face her, genuinely confused.

"What?" she asked as she unwrapped the red lollipop that her friend had given her and placed it in her mouth.

"You know I don't like parties!" Riley was fuming now, she hated being forced into things more than anything else in the world, and Lena knew that, yet she still did it, "Hell, you know that I don't even know her, or anyone there" Lena looked at her lazily for a few silent moments, the silence was deafening before she lazily pulled the lollipop out of her mouth and smiled a trademark Regina George smile at her and said "Don't worry, you'll love the party, I promise"

The music pounded loudly, sending shockwaves through Riley's head, and making it impossible to hear anything else over the sweltering sound of electro music being played. The horrible music was polluting her mind, with it's annoying noises, fast tempo and robotic voices, it was almost hypnotising, she needed a break. She walked through the swaying mass of sweaty gyrating bodies, they were all dancing very uncoordinated, and they were all making up their own dance moves, and yet they all seemed to be in sync with each other, Riley made it through the sea of dancers invading each others personal spaces, but she wasn't out yet, she still had to make it through the long corridors with at least five couples making out on each wall. The smell of body spray was intoxicating as it invaded her senses, air, she needed fresh air, and she needed it now. At the end of the hallway, a beacon of light shone towards Riley, reaching it's cool hands out towards her, and clutching her in it's grasp, she finally made it out to the garden, with no invasive music constantly thumping in her temple, and no horrible stench of body spray to sting her nostrils, she took a deep breath. Why did she think this was a good idea? why did she even come to this stupid party? she walked over to one of the deck chairs and sat down, taking off the heels that Lena had leant her, she rubbed her sore feet before pulling off her backpack (which Lena had said didn't go with the dress that she was wearing) and pulled out her converse, quickly slipping them on, the imminent relief felt exhilarating. Lena wasn't even with her, she was off with her new friends having fun, she probably wouldn't notice if Riley left the party right now, but without a ride home she was stuck here, because she was definitely not asking one of the many testosterone riddled boys for a ride home.

From where riley was perched on the tiny deck chair she could see Lena and her group of new friends passing around their bottle of alcohol happily taking group selfies in their rather revealing outfits, she could practically feel her heart breaking as she mourned for the friend that she used to have, and the person that Lena used to be. What had popularity done to her? Would she rather be popular and hang around with fake friends than actually have true friends who care about you? she just sat there, swimming in her own misery, spiralling down the dark labyrinth of her emotions, if she didn't resurface from the black waters soon, she was pretty sure she was going to drown. "hey, would you like a drink?" Riley was pulled from the raging ocean by the voice, she looked up at the owner of the voice, a handsome man, didn't look much older than her, he had sandy blonde hair, like it couldn't make up it's mind about whether it was brown or blonde, his fair skin paired nicely with his nicely toned body hidden underneath a loose fitting shirt. The one thing Riley couldn't pin point were his eyes, they were so striking, so startlingly different, it seemed that one was blue and the other one was brown, how unique. She almost forgot what he had asked her, as she starred questioningly at the clear plastic cup that this mysterious, handsome man was holding in front of her, the man judged the look on her face and quipped back "I didn't lace it with anything, I promise, it's just lemonade" she took the plastic cup off of him, sniffed it, just to make sure, and when it had the familiar scent of lemonade Riley smiled back at the man "thanks" she said quietly, the man just smiled, he then swept into an elegant bow and then retreated back into the swirl of loud music and partygoers.

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