Be Prepared (20)

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Riley was woken by Jax gently shaking her shoulders, the sun had just risen moments ago, and the sky was a rusty orange, hints of midnight blue still clinging to the orange and pink sky. Riley's eyes felt like they had been glued together for hundreds of years, and when she finally pried them open it took a moment for her vision to focus on the face hovering centimetres from her face. Once Riley's vision focused on Jax's unreadable expression, she smiled sadly at her before she opened her mouth "I'm so sorry Jax, I didn't mean to tell him. I was just so angry, and I understand if you don't want-" Riley was cut off by Jax smiling sadly at her "I understand, I know that you didn't mean to tell him. And I forgive you" Jax smiled, a smile that reached her eyes and she wrapped her arms around Riley's slender frame, the two friends, relived that they were not angry with each other pulled away hastily before Riley spoke up, not quite meeting Jax's eyes. "Do you think he'll still be mad at me?" Tax chuckled at her friend, making Riley stare at her confusedly. "As if he'll still be mad at you. Once we rescue Tink, he'll get down on his knees and beg for your forgiveness" this comment made both of the girls giggle, Jax sounding slightly more feminine than usual. Riley, only now just realising that Jax had taken off her beanie and hood. "You've taken off your beanie" Riley smiled, touching a strand of her rustic hair. "Yeah, there was no sense in hiding my hair anymore, since Peter knows I'm a girl" Riley's kind smile warmed Jax's heart "I like it very much" the two friends hugged once more before preparing each for battle.

Riley had put on a pair of jeans along with a shirt she'd found in the back of her closet (which, with the help of Grace, she had managed to alter to fit her) it looked like a frilly shirt in which Prince Charming would often be caught wearing. The girls had made it more form fitting, and had cut off the sleeves, making it easier to move in it, she then paired it with a khaki jacket that Grace had uncovered from her trunk, and with a nice pair of black boots, Riley looked ready enough to kick some pirate ass. Riley made sure to sheath daggers in her boots, and at the holster attached to her jeans, she then tied her cherry red curls up into a high pony tail upon her head, and with the help of Jax, they wove her crown tightly into her hair. The girls walked around the halls of the castle proudly, it was Riley's decision to wear the crown, not for a girly touch, but to show Hook that a queen doesn't just sit back and let her subjects do her fighting, she was actually going to get her hands dirty, and also to show him that this was as close as we was going to get to touching the crown.

Jax had managed to round up the rest of the lost boys, who were all a little weirded out by their best friend being a girl, and they were heading on their long mornings journey through theorists of Neverland, and then to the Jolly Roger. Many of the lost boys had brought weapons of their own, miniature swords, some held sticks, others held clubs, and the rest were going to fight with their own bare hands, on the long walk all of the lost boys seemed to be grumbling about stupid pirates, and how they were going to get their friend back. Riley played with the small glass bottle of fairy dust around her neck, the one that Peter had given her, what seemed like a lifetime ago, back in the fairy kingdom for her birthday. She really hoped that he wasn't mad at her, she'd have to find some way to make it up to him, he kind of did just admit that he had... feelings for her, just thinking about that made Riley's heart race. A humming bird had made it's home right in her chest where her heart should be, but instead it was fluttering freely in the air, running high on the euphoria of just knowing that Peter reciprocated her feelings towards him. Riley had never felt this way about a boy before, and now she was sorta sounding like the girls who fussed over boys back in London, she wanted to slap herself. But of course Riley didn't, because this was different to what those girls back in London felt, this was unique. Captain Hook was wrong! Peter can love, and he loves Riley, but she ruined it by storming off, she can only hope he loves her enough to forgive her.

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