Old Alone done for (22)

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The lost boys rushed at the pirates, weapons blazing, the scraping sound of metal clashing against metal rung all throughout as the battle raged on. Lost boys ducked between the pirate's legs, missing fatal blows, and managing to land a few on the pirates, and if they were to come in contact with one of the sharp metal blades of the pirate's, Riley would be on it instantly, healing the lost boys, allowing them back into the fray instantly. Peter and Riley fought back to back, slicing and dicing up any pirates that came near them, the metallic coppery smell of blood soaked the rotted timber of the Jolly Roger, and clung to all of their clothes, that scarlet liquid would stain, and would be forever remembered in this war. As Peter and Riley dispatched and disarmed of more pirates, Peter occasionally flying up and picking a lost boy up, lifting them out of trouble, Riley turned to notice a glass case with a latch on it, the back of it seemed to be covered in mahogany wood, and the front was clear glass, embroidered with frosted glass flowers in each corner, and in the glass case, sat Tinkerbell, bashing her arms against the door, trying to break free, once they had made their way over to that side of the ship, she'd make sure to set her free, they could use her help after all.

Peter sparred against Mr. Smee, enjoying as the fat old man coward at every jab of Peter's dagger, he was playing with him now, tormenting him, Peter grinned at Smee as he lifted himself into the air, hanging upside down as he stabbed Hook's first mate again, watching as the ruby liquid dripped down his shirt, staining it's off white a dark red. Riley ducked as one of the pirates swung at her, she kicked her leg out as she ducked, sending the pirate tumbling to the ground, Grace sprung up and pushed the pirate overboard, sending him splashing into the cold depths of the water, "Let's hope that Tick Tock's out today" Grace laughed gruffly before ducking back into the fray of the fight. Everything was a blur of colour, red stained the floor and clothes of everyone, black cloaks were torn and tattered, bright hair billowing in the wind, metal shining and glinting in the sun.

Hook was advancing towards Peter and Riley from across the ship, fighting lost boys and pirates, parting for him like the red sea, carving him a clear path towards his targets. Murder swam in his cold blue eyes, as he advanced towards Riley and Peter, metal hook held high in the air. "Get out of my way!" he shoved his pirate crew left and right, tossing them right into harms way, allowing the lost boys an easier shot at them. Hook reached Peter and swung his hook at him, which he easily dodged, leaving Hook's metal appendage to get stuck in the side of the ship. "Come on you codfish, you can do better than that" Peter laughed at Hook, as he angrily pried his hook out of the wood of his beloved ship. Hook angrily ripped his metal appendage out of the wood, sending chunks of wood flying everywhere, saw dust billowing in a giant cloud around them. Hook swung at Peter again, narrowly missing him, extremely enraged now, the pirate captain let out a cry of fury, before pushing Riley, who was blocking his way, trying to cover Peter, and sending her tumbling to the ground. Riley hit the ground, hard, splinters of pain shot up her arms as the brunt impact of the hard timber hit. Peter tried to dive for Riley, a tangle of limbs and red hair on the floor, but Hook got to him first, picking him up by the scruff of his shirt. "WHERE IS SHE?" he yelled at Peter, holding the squirming Peter high above the ground, he continued to kick and to squirm, trying to break free of Hook's grasp. "What are you talking about you crazy old man?" Peter asked, still managing to be cocky and arrogant, even in a moment like this. "DON'T ACT INNOCENT BOY" Hook leaned in closer to Peter's face, speaking in hushed tones "you know what I'm talking about" Peter looked at his enemy confused, he was puzzled at what he was ranting and raving about. "I don't know what you're talking about" Now Peter was serious, his face still curious as to who Hook was referring to. "Well boy, if you want to play games, then I'll join in. If you don't tell me were you're hiding her, then I'll take your precious Riley," he spoke the words in a sing song voice "And I won't give her back, until you give me back what you've taken" suddenly Hook's head jolts forward, and Peter drops to the floor, Hook's hand had let go of his shirt.

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