Mother and father are fighting again (19)

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Riley never really cared much for the future, she was more of a live in the present person, she was just happy to live in the moment and take life day by day. Despite her being a live in the moment person, she did have one plan for the future, she would become a professional photographer, taking photos, and photoshopping christmas cards, designing invitations, taking photos at lavish weddings, any business that allowed her to do what she loved; taking photos. Riley knew that being a photographer couldn't be a full time job, and it'd be quite expensive to save up for all of the equipment she needed, like new lenses, backdrops and a stand for them, a studio of her own, a case for her tripod, and a car to transport all of her equipment in. Riley's side job would be to review books for a living, she already had connections through the internet with a few local book publishing companies that saw her resume and her school work and were interested in hiring her for an online review job, which would allow her to read books before anyone else did, and she'd be paid to do it, her future sounded pretty good to her.

And maybe when she was twenty five, she'd settle down with her newly wedded husband, and by the time she was thirty, they'd have two kids, and a third one on the way, they'd all have her cherry curls, and his blue eyes, and they'd have his strong and confident stature, and her soft features. But Riley generally stopped herself before her mind could fall down the rabbit hole that was her mind, spinning the delusion of her future before her. She believed it was dangerous to even glimpse at the future, because even a glimpse of what you want to happen, will deeply affect you in the future, because you'll be gravely disappointed when that glimpse doesn't happen, therefore ruining the present, past and future. She remembered back to when her and Lena, the ripe age of twelve, would lay in her Aunt's backyard and stare up at the warm summer sun, all cherry curls, and midnight braids, milky white skin and freckled cheeks.

They would look up at the clouds, staring there, talking to each other about their futures. Lena would always say something like "My husband is going to be rich and handsome, and we're going to have like five million babies. Oh, and did I mention that my husband is going to be Zac Efron?" and then they'd both giggle, followed by Riley's reply of "I don't know what I'm going to do, or who I am going to marry. I don't even know if I want to get married" and then Lena would roll over on her stomach to face her friend "Oh come on, don't tell me you think boys are icky" Riley would stick her tongue out and they'd begin bantering back and forth about their futures, Riley listening politely to Lena's tangents, and then making up something she read from a romance novel, just so Lena would be happy that she had put some thought into her future.

By the time Riley was was sixteen, their plans had changed, Lena was going to tour the world with her rockstar boyfriend, and she'd make sure to bring Riley along with her, so that she could film the whole thing for her boyfriend's newest song written for her. "He'll tittle it Remembering Lena" she'd move her hands in the air motioning that she'd just dropped the greatest idea ever and should be paid thousands of dollars jut for mentioning it. "Isn't that one of their songs already, you know. Remembering Sunday?" Lena would scoff at her, her jet black hair in a messy bun atop her head, her dark rimmed eyes piercingly striking as her icy blue eyes scrutinised Riley before turning kind and laughing "Yeah, but Alex loves me so much, that he'll rename the song after me, and he'll propose to me on stage, mid song. And you'll be there to capture it" Lena flashed her her brightest grin, hoping it'd win her over. "Only, if I can sell the pictures to the highest bidding tabloids" she held her hands in hers quietly "You can sell them to all of the tabloids. As long as you're there to see it" they'd smile at each other, content with their friendship, which then Riley would have to feed Lena another lie.

"I'll be taking photos of a fanboy, for some famous magazine, and he'll be wearing some adorable black shirt, with a plaid shirt over the top, he'll be wearing nerd glasses, black skinny jeans and converse. Aaaaand he'll fall desperately in love with me and he'll be my model/fanboy boyfriend" Lena would laugh at her friends dream and they'd continue on with their lives, hopelessly dreaming up their futures, little did they know, that neither of Lena's sporadically changing dreams would come to be, and the one thing that would never happen, was that neither one would be able to see their actual futures, because they would both drift apart, never being able to share their perfect futures with each other.

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