In a world of my own (15)

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The sun had risen exactly two hours ago, Riley, Jax, Ariel and Grace had agreed to meet in the forest, exactly two and a half hours after sun had risen, Riley was wondering out of the kitchen with a deliciously colourful red apple in her hand, taking bites out of it, savouring it's sickly sweet taste. The apples were just better in Neverland. As she strolled down the empty halls, it was still too early for the lost boys to be up, but one lost boy, the head lost boy in fact was strolling the hallways looking for his queen, he wanted to have a day all to themselves, he was in fact just about to invite her on this picnic that he had planned. "Riley, there you are" he grinned that devilishly handsome, up to no good, devil may care smile at her and she could practically feel her heart melting "Hey, Peter" she was pretty sure she was blushing as furiously as her hair at the moment, "I was just heading out with Ariel and Grace, we're going to have a girls day out" Riley smiled at Peter, she was a particularly good liar, from years of telling her teachers that she had completed her homework, and years of coming up with believable excuses she had become a pretty good liar, although this time, the job was much easier, because she wasn't exactly lying, she just wasn't completely telling the truth. "Oh, you are?" Peter looked deflated at Riley's response to his charming good morning, Riley felt really bad, she didn't want to hurt his feelings, but she really wanted to practise her powers. "Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to do something today, but since you've already got plans" Peter all of a sudden became shy, he looked as if he were a little child being chastised by his mother for breaking her favourite vase, this shattered her heart into millions of tiny glittering pieces. "Well, we'll be out for most of the day, but how about if we do something tonight, like spend some time in the library?" Riley smiled giddily at Peter, hoping she saved herself with that compromise, Peter seemed to perk up with her compromise. "Sounds like a great plan, see you at eight?" he asked her and she nodded, Peter smiled and strode off with all the confidence a cocky arrogant boy, Riley had to stop herself from swooning as she made her way out of the castle and toward where her and the girls were meeting.

Riley had made it to the forest just in time, she was just approaching at the same time as Jax, they had agreed to sneak Jax out of the castle and they had elaborate alibi for her to sneak back into the castle. The two girls smiled at each other, exchanging friendly glances just as they hear Grace clear her throat, who was standing next to Ariel. "Finally, her royal highness has decided to grace us with her presence" Grace said, and despite her snippy tone, her eyes her filled with lightheartedness and joy. "Sorry, I ran into Peter," Riley said as walked over to join the two girls, alongside Jax. Grace groaned and Ariel practically perked up at the mention of Peter's name, she was great friends with Peter and Riley, and to see both o them madly in love with each other brought great joy to her heart, and she'd do anything in her will to convince both of them that their feelings are reciprocated. "he asked if I wanted to hang out with him today, but I told him about girls day and he seemed pretty bummed, so I compromised, and we're meeting in the library at eight" Riley smiled at her friends. Ariel leaned over and whispered in Jax's ear as Grace rolled her eyes. "you guys can't leave each other alone for one minute" Grace says emphasising the time span of which they can't go without seeing each other, Riley turned to her, face flushed. "That is not true!" she said, face now the same cherry red as her hair, "And he was looking for me, not the other way round" she nodded her head in such a childish manor, Peter was really rubbing off on her. Grace gave a final roll of her eyes and turned towards Ariel, "you ready to get this show on the road?"

"Okay, so Riley, this may sting a little, but Grace is going to make a little cut on your arm and we're going to see if you can heal it, okay?" Riley nodded towards the mermaid and she in turn nodded towards grace who drew her dagger and ran it slowly and graciously down Riley's arm, a hiss of pain escaped Riley's lips as Grace lifted her dagger, and both girls watched as the red ribbon of blood slithered down her arm, so dark it was almost black against her pale skin. "Okay Riley, can you touch the cut for me?" Riley followed Ariel's guidance as she traced the cut with her fingers, and within a matter of seconds the ribbon of blood was no longer there, and the slice, which should've been there, marring her skin, was nowhere to be seen, as if it had sunk into her skin. A collective silence hushed through all three of the girls as they watched Riley's wound disappear before their eyes, it was as if it faded out of existence. Ariel was the first to break the silence "Very good Riley, your power seems to be radiating through your hands, do you wanna try and see if you can use your power without using your hands?" Riley, even though she had seen her magic kick in a few times she was still mute in shock at how her scars just... disappear, it took a few minutes before Riley came out of her reverie and nodded curtly towards Ariel, Grace then stepped forward and ran her dagger down Riley's impossibly flawless skin. "Riley, I need you to concentrate really hard now," She nodded in response to Ariel's instruction. "I need you to block everything out, my voice, the sound of the wind, the feel of the grass. Everything. Close your eyes, and just imagine yourself in a world of your own,"

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