"Gently, please"

I gently grabbed it and I noticed it didn't look straight like the other foot, it looks a like it's slightly turned inward. Once I had her foot on my lap she handed me the handed me the bandage.

"Start wrapping from the middle of my foot and keep going until you get to the ankle, wrap it as firm as you can"

"What if I hurt you?"

"You won't. I'll tell you if you need to stop"

I started wrapping her foot the way she told me, I looked up to check her facial expressions. At one point I noticed that she was gripping the comforter in pain but she told me to keep wrapping. When I got closer to her ankle she tilted her head back and balled her fist up. I stopped and held the bandage in place, I don't wanna hurt her.

"If it hurts I can take it off"

"No.. it needs to be wrapped"

She handed me the pins and instructed me on how to securely pin the bandage in place. Before I could finish Zari came strolling into the room rubbing her eyes. I expected her to sleep a little longer especially since she didn't go to bed until two o'clock in the morning last night. The first thing she did was go straight to Zahara and climb onto her lap. Zari laid her head down and watched me put the ice packs on top of the bandage and start wrapping again. This time she had me wrap it just to hold the ice pack on her ankle.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome... I'm really sorry"

She just shrugged while putting the stuff we didn't use back in the bag. I stood up and took Zari from her and went over to the bed and pulled the covers back. I sat her bag on the floor and took her hand and helped her to the other side of the bed so she could lay down. I expected her to yell at me or something but she didn't which is weird.. should I expect her to cuss me out later or sometime else. She can be very unpredictable so I know she's going to let me have it at some point. Once she was in bed I took a pillow and propped her ankle up and covered her up.

"Do you want anything?"


"Are you sure? Maybe some Tylenol, Advil.. anything to make you feel better"

"I'm fine"

"Okay well I'm gonna give Zari her medicine, make her some breakfast and get her ready for the day"


As I was leaving the room I found the cat trying to inch his way through the door. I picked him up before she could see him, I've done enough damage for one day. I put him down in my room and closed the door, I'm gonna have to give him back before I find myself homeless. When I got back downstairs I remembered the fact that I broke a glass in the kitchen. I sat Zari in a chair at the kitchen table, popped a waffle in the toaster and grabbed the broom. She just sat there watching me clean up the broken glass.

"Daddy!" She jumped when the waffle popped out of the toaster.

"It's just the toaster baby"

I finished sweeping the glass up and quickly mopped up the water from the ice that melted. After I put everything away I grabbed the waffle and placed it on her pink plate along with some strawberries and a banana I cut up for her. She eats whatever you give her, she's not picky at all. When I sat the plate in front of her she started clapping and dancing.


I turned away from the stove and looked at her, she was pointing to her cup on the counter. When I opened the refrigerator I couldn't decide what to give her, juice, milk or just water.

The Letter..حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن