The meaning of destinies

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The day that they met eachother everything changed. They never understood why. Not until now. Merlin held Arthur in his arms, begging Arthur to stay with him. Arthur's hand rested on Merlin's head. With his last strength he pulled Merlin closer and they kissed. It's funny how tragic moments tend to make everything clear. For both of them everything made sense now. This was more than friendship. This was love. To Merlin, his whole life didn't make sense. Not his magic, not his destiny. Even Freya didn't make sense. He thought he loved her, and he did. But not in the way he loved Arthur. Now Arthur was the only one for him. Everything was clear now. His destiny, his magic.. It was all for his love of Arthur. He never admitted his feelings for Arthur. Being in love with a man when you are a man was seen as a crime in Camelot, let alone being in love with the King. But now it didn't matter anymore. The only thing that mattered to Merlin were Arthur's cold lips on his. A tear landed on Arthur's cheek. He opened his eyes and stroke Merlin's face. He opened his eyes and asked: "Merlin what's wrong?" "It's just that... I mean all those years.. we've wasted them. And now it's too late."
Arthur was sad seeing Merlin this way.
"Merlin.. We haven't wasted our time. We weren't ready then. I know it's too late now, but I'm glad I am to die in your arms. It's where I feel safe."
"Arthur, I've loved you since the first moment I saw you." Merlin said crying louder.
"And I will love you until my last." He replied smiling. And then he exhaled his last breath.

(Reference to Once upon a Time)

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