Chapter Twenty Two - Babies?

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The same day
Katniss POV

"Baby what flavour do you want?" Peeta asks me as we stand in the fridge section of the grocery store.

"Um strawberry please" I reply.

We pick up the yogurt and continue through the store. We continue through the store picking up all the food we need and as reach the end of our shop I see a clothing section, I tell Peeta I'm going to look, he tells me okay but he's going to pay for the food and he'll see me back here.

I see a cute jumpsuit with a flower pattern on it and a triangle cut out at the stomach, I decide to buy it.

I also pick up a black crop top and some light blue denim jeans. I'm about to go meet Peeta because he'll probably be wondering where I am, but as I'm on my way back to our meeting place I hear someone crying really loudly.

I follow the sound and I look down the baby's clothes isle to see a 2 or 3 year old on the floor crying, with no parents in sight. I go over to him and see he's cut his knee. I help him up onto the little seat that is meant for trying on shoes and I get a plaster out my bag.

Once I've cleaned up his leg, he looks much happier. "What's your name?" I ask with a smile. "Alfie" the little boy replies quietly.

"Well come on Alfie let's go find your mum" I say as he hops of the stool and grabs my hand.

I look up and down the isles until I see a women with blonde hair looking around frantically looking for someone. She catches sight of us and runs towards us, Alfie releases my hand and runs towards her, "Mummy!" He shouts.

The women picks him up and spins him around, kissing his head as she does so, "Alfie don't ever do that again! I was worried sick!" She says, then she catches sight of his knee, "And look at this! What happened?"

"I was trying to find you mummy and then I fell then this nice lady helped me" Alfie explains, pointing to me at the end.

The mum comes over to me and hugs me, thanks me for helping then they leave.

I watch as they walk away happily, they meet a man at the end of the isle and I'm guessing that's Alfie's father. The dad picks up Alfie and kisses him, then he kisses the mum.

They all look so happy and I can't help but be jealous, I would love a family like that, but then I realise I do. I have Peeta, he makes me that happy.

I imagine where we'll be in 5 years time, will we be married? Engaged? Will we have a child?

I'm broken out my thoughts by arms snaking around my waist, "There you are babe, I was getting worried" Peeta says. I smile at this and turn around and wrap my arms around his neck, "I was just buying clothes" I state

"I saw you with that little boy, you were great with him" Peeta replies, "You're going to make an incredible mother one day"

"Me? You're the one who is going to be an amazing parent, you love kids!"

"You'll grow to love them, Katniss" Peeta says because of course he knows how I feel about children. I do love them, I really do, it's just I'm scared to have my own, "Well you'll love ours" Peeta finishes.

Ours? He's actually thought about having kids with me?

"Our kids?" I question.

"Well of course, not right now obviously! But in the future I couldn't imagine anyone else being the mother of my kids"

Peeta's always been good at making me feel like this. Wanted. Appreciated. Loved. He makes me feel like the best version of myself. I smile and kiss him.

When we both pull away Peeta tells me it's 9pm. I didn't realise it was so late and I do wonder how we're here so late but then I remember we got to the shops later because of my 'mums' visit, if you can even call her that.

After I got upset, it took me a while to calm down and then it took even longer because Peeta had a very special method of calming me down which went on for longer than expected.

We got home and I decide to go to bed because I'm really tired, Peeta agrees and we go upstairs.

I get striped out my clothes, aware Peeta is watching my every move, I start to strip out my underwear when I hear a groan coming from the bed, "Katniss that's not fair, you're tired!"

I laugh and put an oversized t-shirt on and rub my makeup off and take my hair out. Peeta gets into bed with me and we start spooning, "I love you" is the last thing I hear before my eyelids get heavy and I fall asleep.

I go to bed dreaming of the future. My future with Peeta and the girl with the bright blue eyes and the chocolate brown hair, running about the meadow, laughing and smiling.

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