Chapter Eight - I never stopped

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The next day
Katniss POV

I wake up and look around the room I'm in, oh it's just Annie's. I remember crashing here last night after I found out the news about me and Peeta, I smile to myself thinking about how we can finally be together, no more shit, just the two of us. But first I need to go home and 'talk' to my parents, in other words pack my stuff and get the hell out of there.

I arrive at my house and as soon as I step through my door I hear mum and dad shout on me. All of a sudden all these emotions come, I feel like I just want to cry and scream at them but I keep my cool and start to head towards the stairs until my dad grabs me and asks what's wrong. I just can't meet his eyes, he lied to me.

"How could you" I whisper, just loud enough for him to hear me.

"What are you talking about Katniss" dad responds

"I loved him, I love him."

"Who told you?" He finally catches on,I hear my mum gasp but I ignore her.

"Mr Mellark." I then get the courage and look my dad right in the eyes. "You knew Peeta meant everything to me, I loved him and you tried to take him from me"


"No dad" I pull away from his grip and slowly back away, "Your a liar, you're both fucking liars, you watched me cry for days, weeks, because I couldn't have Peeta, you watched me starve myself and cry myself to sleep and all along you knew." I can't hold it in anymore, I feel the tears run down my face.

"We just wanted what was best for you honey, Peeta-" my mum starts to speak, tries to justify what she did but I cut her off.

"Don't say his name, or anything else to me. Ever again. This isn't what a family does, you both made me feel broken and for that I'll never forgive you" and with that I run upstairs and pack a bag.

A few hours later
Katniss POV

Deep breathes Katniss. Deep breathes. I then knock on Finnick's door as I called him earlier and he said Peeta was here and sure enough, Peeta answers the door. "Katniss what are you doing here?"

"Peeta before I tell you what I'm about to tell you, you have to know I'm telling the complete truth." He nods and I continue, "we're not siblings, we're not even related"

I see Peeta start to let out a small, sad smile as if to say, no don't lie to me but I look him right in the eyes and he realises I'm telling the truth, he looks down, as if his brains trying to process all this, then he looks up and his face splits into a massive smile, "We're not?" He asks me. "No we're not" I answer him, my smile as big as his now.

Next thing I know he's picking me up, so I wrap my legs around his waist and he puts his hands on my thighs, to keep me up. "We're not siblings" he says laughing and smiling. He looks so happy it makes me chuckle, we're then both leaning in and I feel the lips I've missed so much, the lips that kept me up at night and the lips that make me feel fireworks. We both pull away for air, looking in each other's eyes, Peeta breaks the silence first "I love you" just this simple comment makes me smile even bigger than before, if that's possible, I'm about to return this but then he finishes saying "and I never stopped"

The next day
Katniss POV

I wake up, my head on Peeta's chest, to screaming, I quickly get up and run down the stairs "WHAT" I shout, "WHAT HAPPENED" I then look around the room and see the entire group in Finnick's living room.






I hear all my friends shout, I feel a hand around my waist and immediately know it's Peeta, I then here lots of "Awwwww" comments, which makes us both laugh. "So anyway" I say "what are you all doing here??"

Annie then steps forward and says, "well other than to congratulate you two, Finnick called us here, said he had an announcement"

Finnick then goes in the middle of us all and starts speaking, "Ahhhh yes I do, we, all of us, my best friends, are going on a... Drum roll please"

"FINNICK" we all shout, he always does this, leaving us hanging. He then smirks and says,




and everyone's going on a road trip 🎉🎉

I've always wanted to write a road trip fanfic with everlark, so I'm finally doing it 😋

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, it was sad and happy for me to write 😌

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