Chapter Twenty One - He won't love you forever

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Two days later
Katniss POV

I'm awoken by the sound of my alarm clock ringing, I quickly turn it off and give a little stretch. I turn around and see Peeta still sleeping soundly, I kiss him and his eyes flutter open, "Well isn't that the best way to wake up" he says, making me smile and push him softly.

I get up and start to get ready, I wash my face and brush my teeth, I then put my hair into a messy doughnut bun and apply I little eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, mascara and concealer because today's just going to be a food shopping day.

I go into my wardrobe and pick out a white crop top and pair it with some blue denim shorts. I hear the doorbell go so I shout to Peeta I'll get it because he's in the shower.

I run down the stairs and open the door only to be faced with the person I really didn't want to see, my mum.

I go to shut the door but she traps it with her foot and walks in, "Katniss I need to talk to you" she says. I mumble a sit down and we go into the living room.

"I can't believe you're doing this" is the first thing she says.

"Excuse me??" I question

"This is why I told you to stay away from him! Don't you see Katniss, he bought this house for you two so you can have sex at anytime, anytime it suits him! He's using you!"

"What would you know about mine and Peeta's relationship you spent years trying to break it up! I'm happy, mum, I'm finally happy and you know what I'm fucking happier without you! Also this is not a house, it's a home, but I guess you don't have much experience with homes considering you chase everyone out of yours!" I shout back at her.

She looks at me with hurt and something else in her eyes, "I'm trying to look out for you sweetie. You really think a boy like Peeta will want you when you're old and grey? You really thinks he wants you for just yourself? No. He wants you for your body. And the fact that you have a nice face is just a bonus, you're a nice accessory." She finishes.

"Mum, Peeta loves me and I love him, you don't have to be happy about it but you have to accept it. But you won't and that's your decision but you know what I don't want you in my life anymore."

"Oh Katniss stop talking nonsense! I'm your family! You're really going to leave home and are seriously going to live here? With him? In a couple years Peeta will find someone hotter and prettier and that 'love' will be gone. Even if he does really love you. Even if by some miracle he actually wants you for something other than your body. He won't love you forever"

"Actually I will! And it's very fucking real!" My head snaps in the direction of the stairs where Peeta stands, freshly washed and dressed. How long has he been standing there?

"I beg your pardon!" My mum shouts back.

"I love Katniss and I would do anything to make her happy! I love everything about her. The fact that she's beautiful is just a bonus, I'm so sick of you and my family thinking they know what's best for us! So we will be staying here and if you can't accept that we're happy and in love then get the FUCK OUT MY HOUSE!" Peeta shouts, oh my god I've never seen him this angry.

My mum calmly stands up and walks to the door, she opens it but before she leaves she says, "Don't say I didn't warn you" and with that she shuts the door.

I run over to Peeta and hug him, I start crying because no matter what my mum has done she is my mum and I love her, even if I don't want to but I can't go on like is anymore, I just need Peeta, I've been without him before and I felt broken.

Over the past couple weeks I've realised I need Peeta, like I need oxygen, he makes me feel whole.

I stop crying after about 5 minutes and look up at him, "I love you so much" I say to him.

"I love you too, always have, always will" he replies.

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