Chapter Thirteen - Surprise

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The next morning
Katniss POV

I wake up in my hotel room with Peeta's arms around my waist and I find myself just wearing my underwear, okay what happened last night? I go to get out the bed but I'm taken back when I get a shooting pain going through my head, last thing I remember is walking in the bar with the girls and doing some, oh, I did shots, that explains everything, although it doesn't explain how I got back here.

Peeta starts stirring and wakes up, "Good morning beautiful" he says with his sexy morning voice, God this boy will be the death of me.

"It is now" I say and lean in to kiss him, he smiles into the kiss. When we pull away I ask him what happened last night. Peeta explains that I called him and I was really drunk, he came and picked me up, I tried to get him to strip, he carried my into the hotel room, took my dress off and tucked me in. Okay now it all makes sense.

Next thing, there's a knock on the door, I tell Peeta to answer it as I'm still in my underwear, he gets up and goes over to the door.

"Why do you look like you just woke up?" I hear Finnick's loud voice coming from outside the door. I grab my head as it's still in pain, he has to learn to be quieter.

"Because we did" Peeta responds, laughing.

"Well hurry the fuck up! We're leaving in 45 minutes to go to-" Finnick says but he's cut off by Peeta telling him to be quite. I don't know where we're going next, Peeta won't tell me, everyone else seems to know but he wants it to be a surprise.

"Finnick" he snaps back, "Shhhh, remember the plan" Peeta then slams the door in his face and comes back over to the bed and hoists me over his shoulder, making me smile and laugh, carries me into the bathroom, turns on the water and takes us both in the shower.

After a little wash with Peeta, I start to get ready. I chuck my towel dried hair up into a bun and start in my makeup. I apply my everyday, concealer, winged eyeliner, mascara and my new Halsey lipstick by M.A.C, a dark grey shade. I then get my outfit out, I decide to be comfy so I wear some white denim shorts and a black v neck top and of course the neckless Peeta got me for our one year anniversary, a little gold heart with the word, 'Always' engraved on it.

Peeta then shouts me that he went down to get food for us and all the others are waiting. I slip on my back vans, grab my bag and walk out the door with Peeta.

A few hours later
Katniss POV

"Knock -" Finnick starts.

"Fin shut the fuck up!" I say back to him, he's been going on with these 'Knock Knock' jokes for the past half hour.

"Lighten up Kat! Just because someone had a little too much to drink last night and has to get their knight in shining armour to save them" He replies, smirking.

"Whatever" I mumble and roll my eyes at him.

"Babe are we there yet?" I hear Annie ask from the back seat.

"Yup almost" Finnick replies to her.

Okay now I'm excited, I'll finally be able to see what Peeta's been hiding, I turn on the radio and The 1975's song 'Sex' comes on and I start singing along. Everyone says the love when they hear me sing, I mean I've not got the worst voice but I don't think it's as good as everyone says it is. Peeta's currently sitting beside me with a massive smile on his face, wow this surprise must be good.

Just then he leans over to me, puts his hand under my chin and turns my head, "Look" he whispers to me.

My eyes widen in shock, oh he's good, I can't believe this, Peeta has chosen to take us to New York.


This is more of a filler chapter

It would've been longer but my iPads about to die 😭

I've been to New York three times before and it's my favourite place in the entire world, so of course I had to write a chapter about it

Hope you enjoyed! I'm going to update this tomorrow so yey 🎉 you won't have to wait long for a new chapter

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