Chapter Twelve - Drunk in love

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Later that day
Katniss POV

"Truth or Dare!" Finnick shouts from across Johanna and Gale's room, they shared a room since Johanna didn't know anyone else. Everyone cheers, Finnick grabs a bottle and we all go sit in a circle.

Peeta's to my right and Annie's to my left. Delly spins the bottle first and of course, it lands on me, just my luck.

"Katniss, truth or dare?" She asks me

"Dare" I smirk back.

"Okay I dare you to down three bottles of beer"

I go into the kitchen, come back and down all of them. "Done" I say a little unsteadily. I spin the bottle and it lands on Peeta, "Peeta, truth -" he then cuts me off and says "Dare"

"I dare you to strip down to your boxers and stay like that for the rest of the game" I tell him, he then leans really close to me and brings his mouth to my ear, "Only if you agree to sit on my lap" he then pulls back and has a smirk on his face. "Deal" I respond.

Minutes later Peeta comes down just in his boxers and I have to say, he is hot as fuck. He sits down next to me, grabs my legs and pulls me on top of him, "Remember our deal" he says, then winks at me.

The game goes on for a little bit, although it ends with me, quite tipsy, just sitting in my bra. Annie with ice down her pants. Cato and Delly sitting blushing, looking down after their seven minutes in heaven dare. Peeta's still in his boxers but completely sober, I don't know how he got out of that one. Finnick has ate about twenty sugar cubes and has made out with Annie about ten times. Gale is passed out, completely drunk. I've learned that when Johannas drunk she's less violent, but she goes into stripped mode, she's lying on the floor in just her underwear.

Annie had a idea that all us girls go to a club, the guys just wanted to stay in the hotel, so that brings us to now, I'm wearing a tight, blue dress that ends just below my ass. Annie's more covered, wearing a top and skater skirt, Dellys wearing a short black dress and we just managed to get some jeans and a top on Johanna, we didn't think it was a good idea to let her wear something that's easy to strip off.

I walk out of the bathroom in mine and Peeta's room to find him lying on the bed. He sits up when he sees me and his eyes light up. He walks over to me and gives me a kiss, his hand going on my check. Peeta's hand then travels down to my lower back and he pulls me closer to him, "Are you sure you want to go?" He whispers, inches away from my lips, "or would you rather stay" his hand is now going up and down my ass. "Hmmm that's a tuff one" I say back to him, just as I'm about to lean in, someone knocks and the door and shouts through "Katniss come on taxis here" it's Annie. I quickly kiss Peeta and put my lips to his ear, like he did to me earlier and whisper "Later" I pull back, wink and walk out the door.

A few hours later
Peeta POV

Since the girls went out, me, Finnick and Cato, Gale is still sleeping in the couch, are in the middle of watching a movie, that is until my phone goes off. I see Katniss' picture light up the screen and I let out a smile. I get told to go through in the other room as the others didn't want me "ruining the film" since the only other room is the bathroom I go in there and answer it.

"Peeta!" Katniss says through the phone, wow she sounds very drunk.

"Hey babe, are you okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah, but you need to get down here right now, right, right now"

"Wait wh-" but she's hung up, I start to get worried, it sounded urgent, since I've not had anything to drink I tell the others where Im going and get in the car. The girls said they were going to a  place called 'Abernathys' so I drive there, get parked and walk into the club.

I look around for a bit until I see her. Katniss' eyes lock with mine, then her face breaks out into a massive smile and she runs towards me, she's up on another level so there's about five steps, she starts to run down them but on the last one she slips, I grab her arm and catch her just before she hits the floor.

"Baby!" Katniss shouts to me.

"So what was so urgent you couldn't tell me on the phone and I had to come all the way down here?" I ask her.

"Oh" she giggles, "I had to tell you something very, very important" she says, trying not to slur her words, although she's not doing a very good job.

"And what was that" I say smiling at her.

"That I love you, I love you so much, I really really love you" she says, giggling, I start to laugh back at her then we're both leaning in, it starts to get more heated, then Katniss tries pulling up my top, she pulls back, smirking, " you should get naked" she says and starts taking my top off, "Woah woah" I say pulling it back down. Katniss then gives me a pout, but I lean in, kissing her again, her smiling against the kiss.

We go back over to the other girls but I soon discover Katniss is by far the drunkest. "Come on babe, let's go back" i tell her pulling her out the door. I asked the other girls if they wanted a lift but they said they wanted to stay.

After I drive back to the hotel I look over and see Katniss sleeping, peacefully, I get out my side of the car and go over to hers, open the door, undo her seatbelt and carry her bridal style back to our room, her head resting against my shoulder. I get her out of her dress because Katniss prefers sleeping in her underwear and put the covers over her.

I get in beside her and kiss her on the forehead, causing her to smile in her sleep.

"I love you" I whisper to her and turn out the light.


A LOT of everlark action in this chapter

This chapter is so long, oh my god, it's over 1.1k words

That scene at the club is inspired by one of my fave Brooke and Julian scenes from One Tree Hill, my fave tv show

I hope you love this chapter as much as I do!

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