Chapter Six - 3 Months Later

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3 months after the last chapter
Katniss POV

"Katniss Everdeen" I smile as I walk on the stage to get my diploma, everyone clapping and cheering for me. I shake hands with the principle and walk down the stairs, off the stage.

A few more names go by but I don't really pay attention, until one name makes my head turn, "Peeta Mellark" It still hurts. It's been three long months of crying, throwing things, sleeping and barely eating. I have to see him everyday as he's part of our group too, I just can't bring myself to say anything around him still. No one knows though, apart from the group, everyone just thinks we broke up.

As the last names are called and they announce we're the graduating class of 2015, Finnick has a little announcement of his own. "Party at my house!" He shouts to everyone, of course we all go there first but when we do Gale suggests something I wish he hadn't.

"Truth or Dare!" he shouts threw to the living room, minutes later her comes threw with a empty beer bottle and we all sit in a circle.

Gals spins first and it lands on Peeta "Truth or Dare" he asks. I already know what Peeta's going to say, "Dare" he answers with a smirk.

"I dare you to kiss the hottest girl in the room"

I see Peeta lift his head and look at me but then we all know that can't and won't happen, I think he quickly realises this, stands up and goes over to Delly. I swear you can hear my heart break.

But then I remind myself, Katniss your siblings, stop. He then sits back down not looking at me or anyone.

Peeta POV

I sit back down after kissing Delly and felt nothing. I never do anymore, ever since I found out about Katniss I just go out getting drunk most nights, waking up in strangers beds, not remembering what happened the night before. I've went back to how I used to be before me and Katniss started dating. A bad boy as people would say. Although in Katniss' case - a dick.

She doesn't even talk to me anymore, I don't talk to her, we just exist around each other. She's always on my mind though and I try to get her out I just can't. I'm incomplete without her.

I'm drawn back to reality when Madge spins the bottle and it lands on Katniss. "Truth or Dare" Madge asks. I already know her answer, "Dare" Katniss replies.

"Okay I dare you to strip to your underwear and sit in the middle of the circle for the rest of the game"

Really Madge? I think to myself, Katniss then stands up and strips, oh god, I have to look away before something happens to me or I say something I shouldn't. She then goes right in the middle or the circle right beside the bottle and we continue playing.

Then just as the bottle lands on Annie, Katniss gets a call and leaves the room.

Katniss POV

I hear my phone go off in the other room, so I get up with all the boys staring at me - apart from Peeta - go to the kitchen and see its Prim calling so I answer it.

She quickly starts talking and I can't make out a word she's saying, like at all, she's panting and talking like she's running. "Prim, God slow down I can't make out what your saying"

She then let's out a sigh and says words I never expected to hear "You and Peeta aren't siblings" I then drop my phone, put my clothes on, run out the door to my car and drive home.


Oh a cliff hanger

Is Prim telling the truth or has she got it wrong?

I can't wait to write the next chapters, yey

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