Chapter 79 - Silver and Red

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Princess Galatea Andrea Calore and Prince Jonathan Mathew Calore. My niece and my nephew were born.

"I suppose, it was 'babies' not baby" Amielle laughed as we watched the twins inside the nursery room.

"Who got out first?" Mare asked, curious to know who will govern Gardenia in the future.

"Jonathan of course!" Amielle answered.

"Did they got our blood, Mavey?" Cal asked his brother, who was adoring his little angels.

"Jonathan's blood is pure silver while his sister's pure red. Futhermore, Jonathan managed to get ahold of being a Burner. He's a true Calore, Cal!" Maven answered enthusiastically.

They exchanged smiles. I was adoring my niece and nephew when mom, dad, former King Tiberias and Queen Elara bursts into the room.

"Where are my grand kids?" Dad asked.

Amielle pointed at the glass window of the nursery. Mom was moved to tears when she saw the babies.

"I remember when Delancy and Amielle were born. They look exactly like that" Mom cried. Amielle and I wrapped our arms around our mother. It was just a month ago when she witnessed her son got married.


I was holding Galatea in my arms when Cal arrived. He was enjoying the opportunity of holding his niece whenever he's got the time. Galatea stirred inside my arms. Wendy let me take care of her daughter since Maven was busy doing his job and Jonathan needs more attention because of his growing inferno inside him, she has to calm his little head.

"Galatea, Uncle Cal's here to see you!" I cheered at the little girl in my arms.

Gently, I transferred Galatea from my arms to Cal's huge arms. Galatea started to cry when I placed her.

"Hush now, honey. Uncle Cal's got you," I murmured to the little girl. I looked at Cal to see him stiffly holding the baby's frame. "Try to relax more, Cal. Also, try to walk around and coo at her"

Cal chuckled, slowly, he got more relaxed and walked around. I watched them having their own time before I buried my nose on the papers before me.

"Look, little girl, Auntie Delancy is busy. In the future, my dear niece, you will also be like your lovely Auntie. Intelligent and Pretty and adored by many" He said, kissing her little forehead.

When I finished the papers, I approached the both of them. I peeked behind Cal, adoring the little girl in his arms. I never got the luxury of having a baby in my arms with a same blood as mine. I wasn't able to hold Wendy when she was born because I was just a bit older than her.

Due to our joined adoration to the little girl we didn't notice the parents came in.

"Why won't the two of you got married and make your own child?" Maven said.

"Mavey!" Cal cheered.

Galatea cried a loud because of his loud voice.

"Cal!" I hissed, taking the baby from him. "Don't cry, little girl, Auntie's got you" I rocked the baby back and forth.

Wendy giggled beside Maven, she was holding Jonathan and walked towards me.


"C'mon Del, we have to go" Cal called out.

"A minute!" I called back.

Today, we'll be leaving for Norta to attend his Queenstrial. Amielle and Mare will be joining us, along with Cal's father and stepmother. Mom and Dad too.

I kissed the forehead of my niece and nephew and bid the couple farewell. I was about to walk to Cal's side when Maven took me back.

"Don't let them criticize you. Hide your heart, Princess Delancy. They're still jealous and intimidated" Maven advice.

"I will"

"Watch your back, sis. Galatea and Jonathan will be happy to see you go home" Wendy hugged me. "Take care"

"You too!"

I waved my hand before running beside Cal. He let me enter the car first before him. He was sitting beside me and my hands trembled nervously.

I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready to face a bunch of Silver girls and try to defeat them. I can't do this..



"Take care of my sister, Cal," Wendy said. "I don't want to receive a message that she was injured because of the Silver girls like Evangeline"

"I won't let her get hurt. She will be on my personal watch," I assured Wendy, before whispering "I won't let her get out of my sight."

They gave me a mischievous look, which I was avoiding for days.

"You like her? Don't you?" Maven asked.

There's no way I can lie to my brother. They will know otherwise. So I just my head, confessing everything. 

I was trying to find someone better than Delancy. Someone that will make my heart leap every time I see her. However, no one among the ladies of the High Houses nor the common silver community neither the red community seemed to make that possible. Even the delegates and royals and nobles from other countries.

Only her

That's why I was nervous when I saw her in Amielle's wedding. Also, the reason why I invited her to the Queenstrial. To make them see that Delancy was utterly different girl.

And to introduce her to everyone. AS SINGLE.

"You alright?" I asked her.

"I feel like I'm going to hurl" Delancy answered.

"Don't worry, you'll be great!" I took her hand and rubbed circles on her, just like old times, to relax her.

"Oh Cal!" She buried her face to my neck, sending tingles to my spine. "I don't think I can do this"

"You can!"

She just buried her face even more. I decided to wrap around my arms around her. Delancy gave me the luxury of embracing her one last time.

Maybe when she also feels the same way about me, I could embrace her every second.


The time the Blackrun landed on Norta, Delancy was gripping my forearm tightly.

"Relax, you're hurting me" I whispered.

"Sorry. I-I didn't mean to" She blushed fiercely. Her grip loosen but it stayed around my arm.

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