Chapter 65- Promises

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"We can help them out. Send our troops to the south then bombard them with our joint forces" Dad says.

We're currently in a meeting with the Illéa's officials, that includes Maxon and his father. Maxon was sat at the right side of his father, sneaking up messages at me that made us both smile in mischief.

"Hmm..." King Clarkson thought. "We can work that out"

Dad turned to me and I was quick to react. I fished out my folders with the full list of the soldiers, equipments, and machineries we will deploy to Illéa.

"Prince Amielle and I will be deploying the troops by tomorrow at dawn" I looked at Amielle for him to speak.

"I suggest to have someone to talk to regarding of offensive and defensive attacks we will be executing. It will be most appreciated by me and Princess Delancy." He smiled at me.

I nodded my head, telling it on my own way, that will be leaving with the troops we will deploy. Maxon's eyes were wide in shock. He thought that once I'm about to get married, it means I'm saved from war fronts in preparation to be someone's wife.

He thought wrong.

I risked a wink at him to turn the frown upside down. He smiled a bit then I felt my phone vibrated.

I'm seeing you once you get here. I promise! ~M

I smiled at his cuteness. 

You don't have to!~D

I want to!~M


I replied just in time for the paper to reach me for signing. My signature was neat and elegant just as we were trained to be. I can't help but to stare at my current signature with awe and fear.

Not so long from now, it will be changed. Just like my life, name, and title would be.

I passed the folder to the next general. My mind wandered what was Cal doing right now. I was pulled back to the reality when a large warm hand covered my icy ones.

"You seem distracted sis. What is it?" Amielle asked, his eyes filled with concern and serenity. Enough for me to beam and be calm.

"I was. Until you managed to calm me down" He chuckled.

"That's what brothers do!"

"And sisters!" I sang.

We laughed together earning the attention of Dad, King Clarkson and the others. Including Maxon.

"Twins" Dad called our attention back in place.

We swallowed our giggles and put our head down to avoid ourselves from erupting. I peeked to see Dad smiled at our actions.


"We're ready to fly" Amielle announced. He's driving the jet plane since it was his chosen course during our time in the Military Academy.

I'd say the plane ride was not the plane rides I had before. This time, it was quiet and everyone, including me, was nervous. We will pass the southern part of Illéa and the thought of them showering us with bullets from the land and bombs makes me cringe in panic.

We're trained to kill or be killed. But we're still humans, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, and etc. Each and every one of us in this plane were important to our families. Mom and Dad were on verge of tears when we bid our farewells. Wendy was holding it together, thinking of us being stripped away from the family picture. Not to mention Amielle's loving girlfriend and my best friend, Mare, cried her eyes out and not letting us go for a moment. My brother and I managed to keep it cool for them. I can imagine Maxon shaking in fear when I told him we're already going. He jus replied: "Be safe and be alive please!"


"We've reached the destination" I exhaled heavily. Amielle quickly hugged me in relief.

"We're alive!" He whispered. "WE'RE ALIVE!" He shouted.

The pack of soldiers shouted 'Alive' too. In a firm line, the soldiers exited the plane ready for war. We were the last to exit the plane, checking every single one of them. Maxon was already there, he welcomed us with open arms. There were a pack of soldiers and palace guards behind him, ready to  evacuate the prince any second.

"You were really serious about welcoming me, huh" I smirked at him.

"Really serious for my girl" He winked at me before giving me the feather-like kiss.

"Ugh, C'mon sis! We're in the war front! Your soldiers can see you" Amielle grunted.

"Let them be!" I laughed.

Amielle rolled his eyes and I played with him for a while before turning back to our usual soldier mode.

"Your Highnesses" Someone says.

We all turned to see a man in front of us in curtsy. He has stars sewed on his uniform indicating he's a already a general and the guy we will be talking to.

"General Owens," Maxon addressed. The general rose from his curtsy to meet our eyes. We're in our battle uniform with guns and knives strapped to our holsters. "This are Generals Amielle and Delancy Mortensen, also the Prince and Princess of Gardenia. Princess Delancy here is also happened to be my fiancée"

"It's a pleasure to finally see the two of you. Especially our future princess and Queen" He bowed to Amielle first then me. We also returned his acknowledgement with a firm nod.

"General Owens, could you please take us to your action room" Amielle says.

"Right this way please"

We let him guide the way, Maxon was gripping my fingers way too hard and I keep on pulling it back. Nothing happened.

"Let go Max" I begged.

"Not a chance. I don't know what will happen to you in this following days," We looked into each other's eyes.
"I don't want to let go because I'm afraid if I let you go this very moment and returned to the palace, I won't be able to see you walking on the aisle towards me" He added.

I smiled at him before pulling him towards me to give him a quick kiss.

"I won't go. I promise!" I said even if it hurts.

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