Chapter 67- Chances.

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The rebels stopped firing so I took it. I stood from where I was sitting while continuously shoot them. I managed to shoot rebels from where they were hiding. However, I got shot on my left arm by a girl rebel and I replied the rebel with a shot but I don't know where it went.

I went down on my knees while clutching my wounded arm making sure I put pressure on it.

"Commander!" A soldier of mine says, he was quick on his feet to support my failing body. "We got you, Miss. Don't worry"

"I know," I choked out. "Bomb them Amiey!" I shrieked through the ear piece.

"We got a situation here, Over. General sparkplug got shot. Send medics immediately, over" The soldier who's supporting me yelled at his microphone. My senses cringe hearing my code name for the operation. Sparkplug.

My body felt numb, cause: Loss of blood.

Then I felt my whole world shut off with my body floating with the wind.


"Will she be okay?"

"She will be fine, excuse me for a moment sire" I heard footsteps fading away.

My eyes shut open when a hand brushes my skin.

"You will be fine sis. Don't worry" Amielle says, he has bandages on his own too, indicating that he didn't just fought in the air but on the ground as well.

"Is it over yet?" I choked out.

"Yes it is. We're finally going to get home" He cheered, I smiled for our victory.

"Any casualties?"

My brother just nod his head and his fingers told me that we lost ten from our over-all troops. It pained my heart to know they died in vain.

"Get me out of here now Amiey!" I grunted, struggling out of the IVs in my body. My brother just looked at me with wide eyes. "Do something now or I will"

I managed to break free without a nurse or doctor. Immediately, I put on my boots and threw on my long black coat before dashing out of the infirmary. I stride my way to the morgue to see who died in the encounter.

I saw the list of the soldiers died, some of them were close to me but the worse part was that I was there when they first stepped into the training grounds until their deaths. 

My eyes couldn't take it anymore, tears streamed down my face silently. Michael Seville was the person who supported me and protected me when I was injured.

•Stevenson, Thomas. 20. Gardenia. Army

•Tanner, Simon. 32. Gardenia. Air Force

•Baden, Nicolas. 26. Gardenia. Air Force

•Frances, John. 27. Gardenia. Army

•Seville, Michael. 20. Gardenia. Army

•Henderson, William. 26. Gardenia. Army

•White, Irene. 28. Gardenia. Army

•Acosta, Brandon. 30. Gardenia. Air Force

•Grayson, Ricky. 29. Gardenia. Army

•Anderson, Kenneth. 29. Gardenia. Army.

I won't forget what they've done for my home country and future one.


When we landed to Gardenia, our family were pleased to see us. The families of the fallen soldiers were of course sad. We've arranged a funeral for them in the main headquarters then separate funerals back home.
"And we just went back home. That's all" I sighed, playing with the warm water in the tub.

Maxon called me while I taking a long bath. My favorite place to relieve the stress.

"Were you hurt?" He asked.

I sighed. should I lie? or should I tell him I almost died?

"A little bit" I answered.

"Not extremely dangerous?" He asked. "I hope" He added.

I was just shot near to my heart. Also, I almost died because of loss of blood. Really.

I wanted to say, but making him worry about be is the last thing I wanted to do. 

"Not dangerous" I whispered.

There was silence after that maybe after  two minutes of silence before one of us spoke.

"We will be visiting France tomorrow" He blurted out.

"Princess Daphne, eh?" I rolled my eyes by just saying her name.

"Is my fiancee jealous?" He mocked, I can imagine him wiggling his eyebrows.

"What do you want me to say,  sweetheart?" I laughed at the name of endearment. I don't usually call him with pet names. I don't despise them, I just don't feel like saying it to him due to our past situation, maybe calling him the future will be fine. 

"Just say you're extremely jealous you want to go with me" He tried to hide his tiredness by a soft yawn and an sharp breath intake. 

"Not a chance," I giggled, playing with the scented warm water. "Rest now Maxon. You have a flight tomorrow" 

"I'm staying with you" He protested, I sighed at his occasional stubbornness. 

"Don't be absurd! You're clearly tired" I grinned.

"I'm not tired, silly!" A yawn escaped his lips then we both erupted into fits of laughter.

"That proves my conclusion. Sleep now Maxon. Don't be stubborn," I sharpen the word 'stubborn'. "Please sleep now, honey. You need it" I said in a hushed tone.

"You win love. I will be resting soon"

"I've gotta go. I need to dry up now, the water's getting cold" I told him as I stood up to dry myself in haste. 

"I heard it. Bye for now, Del. I message you as soon as I wake up" He answered.

"Sure thing!" I grabbed the towel from the rack. "Bye! I love you!" I said with a smile. More of a grin actually.

"I love you too" He replied. 

Then our connection just went down. I wrapped myself in a bath robe, with shaking legs and chattering teeth, I manage to get inside my warm walk-in closet. I let the robe fell, leaving me naked inside the closet before picking a green night gown. 

Once I was done dressing myself, I shut the wardrobe behind me and jump into the comfort of my fluffy pillows and a few stuff animals that I adored since I was young. Most especially my brown kiwi stuffed animal that Dad brought back home from New Zealand when I was just ten, before I entered the military school with Amielle. 

I named it 'Kiwi' since it was a kiwi bird and the name just suits it. It's not worn out or something, babies love it and tried to take my Kiwi away from me. Maybe when I have my own child I will give Kiwi to her but before having a child, first I must marry Maxon- and the rest of it. 

Marry. The word was still foreign to me and the whole idea of it. However, a smile will crawl to my face thinking of one day I will a little version of me and my husband running inside our home. 

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