Chapter Ten: Smile Like Your Lying

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Channing's POV

I watched Chasity to make sure she returned to her room. I hadn't wanted her to confront Liam, and I defiantly don't want her in my office when I spoke to our other visitors: Hayden Manning and Drake Lattimer. In some ways, an association with them was just as dangerous as the meeting they'd had with the Kings brother.

Because both Hayden and Drake were agents with the Justice Department. And I was helping them. It was bad enough that Chasity was now on Liam's radar. I didn't want her to have to deal with the Feds also.

I found the two agents waiting impatiently in my office. Hayden, a tall, athletically built brunette, was pacing with her arms folded over her chest. I had run a background check on her, and she was considered to be one of the best agents at the department. A whiz at martial arts, Hayden had successfully defended herself against men twice her size.

Drake, rail thin and too pale, didn't look as if he could defend himself against anyone, but I knew he had all the qualifications to be an agent. I'd made rank early and was hungry and ambitious enough for success that I would do whatever it took to bring down the prize that the Justice Department desperately wanted. Liam.

Drake was seated across from my desk, drumming his fingers on the chair arm. His thin mouth was pursed. Of course, it usually was. Ditto for his rumpled mud-brown hair. Even though I had only known the man for a few short months, I'd learned that Drake was not a man who relaxed easily.

Drake had his gaze fastened to the picture on my desk, of Chasity, the picture was the one that was in the folder of her background. Since it felt like a violation of not only my privacy but hers and because it was none of his business. I reached over and took the folder, shutting it and putting it in my desk.

"Sorry I kept you," I explained. "Eric was here." That got their attention. Hayden stopped pacing, and Drake slowly got to his feet.

"The King's brother didn't say anything incriminating," I volunteered. "Just the usual threats. This time the threats included Chasity Grey." There, I put her name out there because I figured Chasity was the real reason for the visit. I'd informed the Justice Department of the kidnapping attempt and that I was bringing Chasity to the castle.

"How much does Ms.Grey know about you and what you're doing for the Justice Department?" Hayden asked.

"Nothing." Drake nodded.

"Keep it that way. The more people who know about our investigation, the higher the chances are that Liam will find out about it."

I had no intention of telling Chasity because, simply put, I was playing a very dangerous game, and I didn't want her involved in it.

"You could use Liam's visit to set up a meeting with him," Drake continued. "As usual, wear a recording device in case he says something we could use." Well, it'd be the first if Liam did spill anything. I had been trying to get him to say something incriminating for nearly six months, and each time I'd struck out.

"I don't want to meet Liam again until I've worked out some things with Chasity," I commented. "But i think I'm getting close to discovering something about the King's brother's criminal activities. I've been in contact with one of his former employees, and I think with a little encouragement, she'll be willing to talk to me."

"Good," Drake grumbled. "We need a break here. We need to put Liam behind bars." Drake paused. "What's the name of the employee?"

"I'd rather keep that to myself right now." In fact, I preferred to keep all the details to myself. Brielle Dare, Liam's former secretary, had visited the castle on the same day that Chasity had posed as a guest. and tried to sneak into the King's room. Brielle could be in grave danger if Liam learned that she'd already talked to me and had copies of some of Liam's files. So far, they hadn't produced anything, but neither Brielle nor I was giving up.

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