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Cry : The shed of tears in distress, pain or sorrow.


You may cry about anything you want to cry about. It may be about a break up, or a loss of friendship or maybe because you failed yourself at doing something.

Cry for as long as you want, but once you stop crying you should never ever cry about that thing again.


A man once told a joke so everyone laughed until their tummies got sore.

He told the joke again, but this time less people laughed.

He told the same joke over and over again, until no one was laughing anymore.

He looked over attend crowd and said "Why is it that people cry over the same thing over and over again non-stop, but don't laugh at the same joke over and over again non-stop?"

Honestly I think that that is one of the most amazing things ever said.

~hey please go and check out my others books titled: 'Broken hearted me' & 'Sixteen words.'

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