13. Life

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Life : The existence of an individual human being.

Everyone has a different definition to what life means to them.

To some life is their work.

To some life is their family.

To some life is sports.

So what is your definition of life?

Is it something you would live for or is it something you would die for?

Either way, I hope its something worth your life.


You only get one shot at the game called life. How you want to spend it is all up to you, but the results of the choices you choose to make, you don't get to choose them.

You only get one chance at life.

You either do it right or you don't either way, there isn't another chance to re-do it again.

Life is short, and before you know it, you will be sitting on a rocking chair laughing about all the dumb things you once cried about.

Life is short. Don't spend it planning on what you going to do next, instead do.

Life is short, to try please everyone.

Life is too short to be sad about all the things that happened yesterday.

Life is to short - to be worrying about what would happen, if you did something.

Life is to short to be sitting around, wasting away.

Life is too short. Use it wisely.

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