16. Grief

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Greif : Intense sorrow.

Step 1 : Denial - when something really horrible happens, we choose to deny that it is happening. Hoping that maybe for for second it won't be true.

Step 2 : Anger - When the horrible news eventually start to sink in, it makes us angry. Angry that we couldn't do anything to prevent it from happening.

Step 3 : Bargaining - When your finally over your anger, you try to figure out what went wrong, and why things didn't happen correctly. You are deciding on what you should do about the situation.

Step 4 : Depression - When realisation hits you. You become depressed. All you want to do it go bury yourself under you blankets and cry. You some times do horrible things, only to forget about the pain itself. Even just for a second.

Step 5: Acceptance - once you have gone over your depression stage, you accept that what has happened can never be change. You learn that there wasn't anything you could have done to make things better. You forgive yourself. Once you accept what has happened. You are able to move on.

Grieve. Take as long as you need. While you are in the process of doing it, and learn to say 'yes please' when someone asks you if you want to talk about it.

Talking helps.

It really does.

All you need to do is learn to say 'yes please'.

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